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YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Two anti-coup protesters in Myanmar have died after riot police fired at them with live rounds, local media reports. Demonstrators in Yangon blocked off streets with sandbag barricades to delay the advance of soldiers and police. Pabedan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. 11:20 Dozens of police men and women joined the anti-coup protests in Kayah State, holding posters that read "We don't want the dictatorship" and "We stand with the people". A similar crackdown has just started at the corner of 86 & 35 streets in Mandalay.Â, 13:00- Police fired around 50 rounds of rubber bullets and used water cannons to crackdown on protesters in Naypyidaw. At least five people sustained bullet wounds during the crackdown in Naypyidaw this afternoon. A 19-year old female medic sustained a critical head injury and a journalist reporting for local news outlet Mizzima was shot twice in back.Â, 12:30-Police officers join the nationwide uprising against the military coup, Lt.Khun Aung Ko Ko who joined the protests in Naypyidaw looked at the riot police blocking a road. The police also shot at the windows of the rescue team’s ambulance. Emergency response teams from the organization had helped treat injured protesters in attacks by police and military. “I am aware I will be put in jail with a long prison sentence if our fight for democracy does not succeed,” he wrote. In Mandalay, where dozens have been violently snatched off the streets and arrested, police fired tear gas at a crowd of protesters. 18:00- The protesters in Naypyidaw and Mandalay have dispersed. Wednesday was the bloodiest day since the February 1 coup, with at least 38 killed as commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing intensified his crackdown on peaceful protests. There were no reports of deaths or mass arrests and police and soldiers used less violence than the day before.Â, Wednesday was the bloodiest day since the February 1 coup, with at least 38 killed as commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing intensified his crackdown on peaceful protests. Â, At least seven died in Yangon’s North Okkalapa township when soldiers and police shot protesters and choked them with tear gas.Â. Special Envoy Christine Schraner Burgener relayed the details of her conversation with Vice-Senior General Soe Win—held just days after the coup—during an online press conference on Wednesday. The UN special envoy for Myanmar said she was told by a member of the ruling junta that the regime is prepared to weather any sanctions or political isolation imposed on it by the international community in response to its February 1 takeover of the country. In a series of morning raids, the military arrests senior government members and declares a state of emergency. 16:30-Plain-clothes thugs are reportedly coming from North Okkalapa township to Hledan Junction where anti-coup protests continues. Protesters retreated into side streets but emerged again and resumed their protest once soldiers and police left the area. Vice-Senior General Soe Win tells the UN special envoy for Myanmar that the junta will persevere ‘with few friends’. The military vowed to take action against what they say was voter fraud in the November 8 election. In the streets around Mahar Myat Muni Buddhist Temple, police and some soldiers are holding guns and truncheons though there are no protesters around that area. 1:20: The Mandalay Poets’ Union joined protests against the military dictatorship in Mandalay, marching in a column around the city this morning.Â, 1:38: Tens of thousands of government servants and other protesters are now gathering at Thabyay Gone roundabout in Naypyitaw, where a major police crackdown happened just a couple of days ago and a 20-year-old woman was shot in the head. BEIJING: The military takeover in Myanmar and detention of Aung San Suu Kyi was "a major cabinet reshuffle" according to Chinese state media, who … 14:00--Around 100 arrested in Mandalay where the police used tear gas and water cannons to crackdown on protesters. 11:00-Protesters collapsed on the road after police use water cannon on crowd demonstratingÂ, 10:40- The protesters are arriving at the downtown areas of Yangon in the backdrop of historic Sule Pagoda.Â, 10:30- Protester injured after police use water cannon on crowd demonstrating in Naypyidaw.Â, 10:00-Protests are taking place in the second largest city of Mandalay.Â, 9:00- The police have blocked protesters marching near the headquarters of military-backed USDP in Naypyidaw. Thousands of people out on the streets in Myeik, in southern Myanmar's Tanintharyi Region. Crowds in Naypyitaw were pummeled with water cannons amid an increasingly brutal crackdown (Myanmar Now). They vow to show up again tomorrow to protest against the military coup.Â. Independent media is under attack in Myanmar... help us hold the powerful to account. Myanmar military officials have also maintained close relations with Russia.Â. February 12-The seventh day of nationwide protests against military rule are starting again all over Myanmar despite raids which had taken place throughout the country the night before which targeted protest organisers and election officials. 11:00 "We don't want the dictatorship," the police shouted, holding up three fingers as a sign of civil disobedience movement. During the attack by security forces, emergency response teams from FFSS helped treat those who had been injured, according to photos posted by the organization on social media. The students and young dancers said they are revolting against the “junta of Min Aung Hlaing''. Â. According to an Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) report released on Wednesday, at least 50 people had been killed and 1,498 arrested nationwide since demonstrations began against the February 1 coup. At least one police officer in Naypyitaw and four police officers in the central town of Magwe have also joined the protests, with some wearing red ribbons, the symbol of  the civil disobedience movement. We are totally against it and condemn it,” he said, as protesters demanded the release of those detained last week and chanted “Down with the military dictatorship!”. 15:27-The area around Yangon’s City Hall and Sule Pagoda is less crowded than on previous days as columns of protesters go their separate ways around different areas of the city. 11:30-Tens of thousands protersters from all over Yangon are streaming into the city's downtown areas.Â. There were no reports of deaths or mass arrests and police and soldiers used less violence than the day before. Hla Kyaing, the chair of Mon Myat Seikhtar emergency rescue team, said that four members of his team, including the driver of their ambulance, went missing after the incident and, as of Thursday, were being detained at the notorious Insein Prison in Yangon. In Insein, protesters blocked a main road with two containers loaded on trucks.Â, Frontline protesters wore gas masks, goggles and handmade shields to protect people demonstrating behind them. Â. 4.jpeg Burgener said she told the general that member countries of the UN and the UN Security Council could impose heavy sanctions against the military regime for seizing power.Â, When warned about the international exclusion and isolation the regime would face, she said, he responded that the military had “learned to walk with few friends.”. At the Thaketa roundabout in Thaketa township, a group of people are holding a vigil for the young woman from Naypyitaw who was shot in the head with a live bullet by the police yesterday, and is now in an intensive care unit (ICU). Let’s liberate ourselves!” as they join the nationwide civil disobedience movement. 17:15-A motorcade carrying pro-army supporters passed by a crowd of anti-coup protesters chanting "Mother Suu". The protest there is made up of health workers and staff from the electricity, forestry, and other departments, as well as monks. February 12-The seventh day of nationwide protests against military rule are starting again all over Myanmar despite raids which had taken place throughout the country the night before which targeted protest organisers and election officials. Just recently, a column of student unions from the Yangon University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University – along with other marchers – arrived in Sule after marching from Hledan.Â. 2:38: Small groups of protesters are now gathering around the Manaw Yaman park in Mandalay. Copyright © 2021 Myanmar NOW. The most notable development was the defection of a growing number of police, including 40 who joined protesters in Loikaw, the capital of Kayah state. The UN envoy said the current crisis in Myanmar “hits the stability of the region” and has the potential to fuel war. In some places, people paid tribute to those murdered by police and soldiers by observing a one-minute silence. 10:20 Buddhist monks are joining anti-coup protests in major cities of Mandalay and Yangon this morning on Wednesday. Protesters returned to the streets of Yangon and elsewhere on Thursday, unbowed by police and soldiers who murdered dozens in attacks across the country in a bid to crush a month-old popular uprising against the military regime. A 30-year-old man and a 19-year-old woman were in critical condition after being shot, the doctor said, requesting anonymity. Marches started at 8am and others are taking place in other townships in Ayeyarwady region.Â. The junction is also where a major police crackdown happened yesterday. “I am also appalled at the documented attacks against emergency medical staff and ambulances attempting to provide care to those who have been injured,” she said. At the moment, there are about 3,000 demonstrators there sitting on the road, unable to continue marching. Myanmar military officials have also maintained close relations with Russia. The office of UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet said in a statement on Thursday that at least 54 people have now been killed by security forces since the military seized power, but added that the actual death toll could be much higher. Christine Schraner Burgener, the UN Special Envoy for Myanmar, said in a virtual press conference on Wednesday that 38 people had been killed on that day alone. At least seven died in Yangon’s North Okkalapa township when soldiers and police shot protesters and choked them with tear gas. Special Envoy Christine Schraner Burgener relayed the details of her conversation with Vice-Senior General Soe Win—held just days after the coup—during an online press conference on Wednesday. Security forces also raided the office of the Free Funeral Services Society, whose team members helped treat people injured during attacks in North Okkalapa. The AAPP reported that at least 20 people were killed and around 800 arrested throughout Myanmar on March 3. Attack comes amid increasingly brutal crackdown after the regime banned gatherings of more than four people. CCTV footage that went viral on social media on Wednesday showed several police officers brutally beating the medics with batons and the butts of their shotguns. 16:00-Anti-military coup protests continue in Naypyidaw, Yangon and Mandalay. The first use of rubber bullets in Mandalay. These areas were busy in the morning but people dispersed more quickly than usual. He also maintained that the State Administration Council (SAC), as the newly installed regime calls itself, plans to implement its own five-point roadmap for the country in the near future, Burgener added. The attack came as demonstrators calling for the fall of the new dictatorship braved water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas during a fourth day of mass nationwide demonstrations against last week’s coup. At one point security forces in Tamwe and Sanchaung advanced towards protesters firing tear gas and stun grenades. A column of over 60 trishaws from Thaketa has just arrived at Sule, while a column of Covid-19 volunteers arrived there a couple of hours ago from Thingangyun, Thuwanna, and Thaketa townships. In a video live stream posted from the area by a North Okkalapa resident on Wednesday night following the incident, at least one FFSS staff member appeared to have suffered injuries to his head in the raid. No 253/285, Room (A), 12th Floor, Great Cairo Condo Â, 11:45-Many more protesters are arriving at Thabyaykon roundabout which marks the center of administrative capital Naypyidaw.Â, 11:37-Police has blockaded a major road near the University of Yangon. Konzaydan Street, 11:33-Protests against the military coup are taking place all over Myanmar. All rights reserved. According to our reporter, there has been no further police crackdown yet in Mandalay. Vice-Senior General Soe Win tells the UN special envoy for Myanmar that the junta will persevere ‘with few friends’, The UN special envoy for Myanmar said she was told by a member of the ruling junta that the regime is prepared to weather any sanctions or political isolation imposed on it by the international community in response to its February 1 takeover of the country.Â. Nationwide protests against the military coup continue all over Myanmar. 5:00 PM: More than 70 protesters who were arrested in Mandalay on Tuesday were released yesterday, the Patheingyi township court has told our reporter.  At least 200 of protesters, including a couple dozen people of Chinese heritage, are gathered in front of the Chinese consular office around Nguwah street on 73rd street in Mandalay. There are also a few singers and artists around the pagoda, including Lynn Lynn, who has volunteered as a security guard for Aung San Suu Kyi. As tens of thousands took the streets on Thursday, protesters in the Yangon townships of North Okkalapa, Thingangyun, Tamwe, Sanchaung and Insein built makeshift barricades to road blocks using sandbags, bricks and other materials to delay the advance of security forces. Â, 4:40 PM: Protest hotspots in Yangon such as Sule Pagoda, Myaynigone and Hledan are much less crowded than in previous days. Two anti-coup protesters were shot dead by riot police who fired live rounds on Saturday in Mandalay, Myanmar's second-largest city, local media reported. The UN envoy said the current crisis in Myanmar “hits the stability of the region” and has the potential to fuel war.Â, While the SAC has yet to gain international recognition, there is speculation that it has support from China. He told Myanmar Now that he is trying to secure their release. Konzaydan Street, The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners said on Wednesday that at least 1,498 people have been arrested nationwide since February 1.Â. Many are convinced China is helping the regime in its efforts to impose strict controls on the internet after reports emerged of Chinese IT technicians arriving in Myanmar. “Many of the arbitrary arrests and detentions that have been carried out since 1 February may constitute enforced disappearances,” she said. Two protesters on motorbikes were shot by the police. A mass protest against the military coup in Mandalay on Friday morning.Â, A mass protest against the military coup in Mandalay on Friday morning.Â, Demonstrators in Yangon blocked off streets with sandbag barricades to delay the advance of soldiers and police. 10:00- Protesters burn an effigy of coup leader Min Aung Hlaing at a protest site near Sule Pagoda in downtown Yangon, as fury over last week's overthrow of Myanmar's newly elected government continues to grow. I do not want my daughter to live under the rule of dictator Min Aung Hlaing and witness his wickedness and selfishness,” he added. All rights reserved. Pabedan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Estimates for Wednesday’s death toll vary, and Myanmar Now has been unable to independently verify the total numbers across the country. Soldiers and police raided the office of the Free Funeral Service Society (FFSS) in Yangon’s North Okkalapa Township on Wednesday night, according to a senior staff member. Two others were also injured. Our reporter suggested that they are sending a signal for monks to avoid joining the protests, since there are some monasteries on those streets. They demanding that China ends its support for the military regime.  9:40 A group of Burmese people of Chinese descent are protesting in front of the Chinese embassy in Yangon, calling on Beijing to respect the outcome of last year's elections, which Aung San Suu Kyi's party won in a landslide. Some sources have said 70 protesters who were arrested yesterday were released today, though police and the court have yet to confirm that. 15:00--Hundreds of thousands of protesters have already converged in the downtown areas of Yangon.Â. Frontline protesters wore gas masks, goggles and handmade shields to protect people demonstrating behind them. “Myanmar’s military must stop murdering and jailing protestors,” Bachelet added. She also reported that security forces had killed 38 people on that day alone, in the most dramatic escalation of violence against protesters since popular resistance to the coup began nearly a month ago. The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners said on Wednesday that at least 1,498 people have been arrested nationwide since February 1. A 30-year-old man and a 19-year-old woman were in critical condition after being shot, the doctor said, requesting anonymity. 14::46: Police are blocking Mandalay’s 78th street, a main road, at the corner with 38th street, one of the main spots where protesters have been gathering in recent days. At one point security forces in Tamwe and Sanchaung advanced towards protesters firing tear gas and stun grenades. As tens of thousands took the streets on Thursday, protesters in the Yangon townships of North Okkalapa, Thingangyun, Tamwe, Sanchaung and Insein built makeshift barricades to road blocks using sandbags, bricks and other materials to delay the advance of security forces.Â, Soldiers and police had bulldozed barricades overnight but protesters rebuilt them in the morning. Khun Aung Ko Ko, the police lieutenant who joined demonstrators in Naypyitaw, called for the “fall of dictator Min Aung Hlaing” in a printed statement handed out to protesters. The authorities also said they made 460 people arrests in total, including 224 in Yangon, according to state media. She is now on life support.Â, 1:44: Many thousands of people have been gathering today in Pathein, the capital of Ayeyarwady region. The office of UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet said in a statement on Thursday that at least 54 people have now been killed by security forces since the military seized power, but added that the actual death toll could be much higher. Than Htike Aung, a reporter with the Mizzima news website, was injured by a rubber bullet during the attacks. ASEAN, the regional bloc that includes Myanmar, follows a “non-interference” policy regarding member states, but some, such as Indonesia, have “raised concerns” about the current situation in Myanmar. Security forces also assaulted three medics from the Mon Myat Seikhtar rescue team who had also been working in the township to treat those injured in the shootings. ASEAN, the regional bloc that includes Myanmar, follows a “non-interference” policy regarding member states, but some, such as Indonesia, have “raised concerns” about the current situation in Myanmar. One of the two protester shot in the neck. Despite violent crackdowns that have left dozens of protesters dead and many more wounded, the nationwide Civil Disobedience Movement continues to grow, employing mass demonstrations, a general strike and the formation of parallel governing structures in a bid to remove the military from power. Myanmar Now is an independent news service providing free, accurate and unbiased news to the people of Myanmar in Burmese and English. (Nyan Hlaing Lin/Myanmar Now). In Insein, protesters blocked a main road with two containers loaded on trucks. Hindu people are protesting on 35th street,  while city municipal employees, students, and members of the Mandalay Car Brokers’ Association are protesting on Manawhari road. 9:00 Despite the crackdowns yesterday, thousands of protesters converge again at Yangon's Hledan Junction. February 11-The fifth day of protests on Wednesday passed without any major incidents. Tuesday’s protests went ahead in defiance of a ban on gatherings of more than four people imposed by the new regime on Monday. Independent media is under attack in Myanmar... help us hold the powerful to account. Myanmar’s military stages coup d’etat: Live news. On Monday, a week after staging a coup against a newly elected government, the military released a statement warning that action would be taken against “wrongdoers” if the protests continued. LIVE Timeline: Myanmar's 2021 Democratic Uprising Against the Military Coup, Police officers join the nationwide uprising against the military coup, Breaking: Bystander shot dead in Mandalay, A day after the regime murdered dozens of their comrades, defiant protesters return to the streets Â, Military council says it is ready to endure sanctionsÂ. Soldiers and police had bulldozed barricades overnight but protesters rebuilt them in the morning. At the corner of 38th street and 78th street, police are blocking the way and standing by with a water cannon truck. The two injured protesters were among a crowd that gathered at the Thabyay Gone Centre in Naypyitaw that was also pummeled with jets of water and about 50 rounds of rubber bullets. In recent days, dozens of people have been brutally shot dead and more than 100 injured by combined forces of military and police in an attempt to crush the nationwide demonstrations against military rule, and calling for the restoration of democracy. Myanmar people with Chinese heritage, medical students and others are protesting in front of the Chinese Embassy on Ahlone road for a second day. “Our organization is not involved in any politics and we haven’t committed any crimes,” the senior staff member told Myanmar Now, adding that the FFSS exists to provide funeral services to help people grieve the loss of loved ones. Thousands of civil servants from the ministries of foreign affairs, education, agriculture and health, as well as staff from the Anti-Corruption Commission and the railways department have joined walkouts throughout the country aimed at crippling the regime. When warned about the international exclusion and isolation the regime would face, she said, he responded that the military had “learned to walk with few friends.”. 9:30- Soldiers have raided a clinic in the Thabyay Kone area of Naypyitaw, where a group of doctors have been organizing protests as part of the nationwide civil disobedience movement. Earlier on Monday, media reported that Myanmar's State Counselor, Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and some members of the country's ruling party were detained. Over a thousand people are protesting there by sitting on the road. While the SAC has yet to gain international recognition, there is speculation that it has support from China. Protesters returned to the streets of Yangon and elsewhere on Thursday, unbowed by police and soldiers who murdered dozens in attacks across the country in a bid to crush a month-old popular uprising against the military regime. Despite violent crackdowns that have left dozens of protesters dead and many more wounded, the nationwide Civil Disobedience Movement continues to grow, employing mass demonstrations, a general strike and the formation of parallel governing structures in a bid to remove the military from power.Â, No 253/285, Room (A), 12th Floor, Great Cairo Condo On Wednesday afternoon, soldiers and police carried out a violent crackdown on anti-coup protests in North Okkalapa. “It was not imposed by our elected government but by the military dictator. Aso/Associated Press According to witnesses, a tense standoff occurred during the afternoon when police tried to persuade the workers … Soldiers on Wednesday were captured on CCTV brutally beating medics from an emergency rescue team, kicking them and hitting them with the butts of their rifles. Bachelet called for their immediate release. Soldiers on Wednesday were captured on CCTV brutally beating medics from an emergency rescue team, kicking them and hitting them with the butts of their rifles.Â. 10:20 Buddhist monks from the famous Mahagandayone monastery in Mandalay are joining the protests against last week's military coup. I will be happy to die together with my daughter. “Myanmar’s military must stop murdering and jailing protestors,” Bachelet added. The police officer who switched to the protesters' side gave a speech to the crowd, calling for the “fall of dictator Min Aung Hlaing", the country's army chief and coup leader. The staff member said security forces seized computers and phones from the office and destroyed property on the premises. Myanmar's military chief has threatened to crack down on any media outlets if they continue to use the word 'coup' to describe what his armed forced have done.Thats according to reports by military-run broadcaster, Myawaddy News on Monday evening who quoted General Min Aung Hlaing saying they "will take action and withdraw licenses from the media if they use the word 'coup' government. Aung Myo, a 50-year-old protester who helped lead hundreds rallying in Yangon’s Thaketa township on Tuesday, said people did not need to follow the orders imposed by the military. Burgener said she told the general that member countries of the UN and the UN Security Council could impose heavy sanctions against the military regime for seizing power. Police in Myanmar launched their most sweeping crackdown in three weeks of protests against military rule on Saturday in towns and cities across the country, with media reports of a … 8:00 am- Employees from the Railway Department in Insein Township have started taking to the streets. Using live gunfire, they killed at least seven people, including bystanders, according to confirmations from two area hospitals. About a dozen police officers are standing guard in front of the embassy, with protesters on the other side of the road. Myanmar Now is an independent news service providing free, accurate and unbiased news to the people of Myanmar in Burmese and English. “It is difficult to establish how many people have suffered injuries, but credible information indicates, at a minimum, hundreds have been wounded during protests,” the statement said. Here are the scenes in Myitkyina, the capital city of Kachin State in the north of the country. During a mass protest involving tens of thousands of people, police and soldiers shot 20-year-old furniture maker Zaw Myo in the neck at the intersection of 114th and 49th streets. (Photo: Nyan Hlaing Lin/Myanmar Now)Â, Four policemen in the town of Magwe also joined the anti-coup protests on Tuesday.Â, 12:00-Protests against the coup have spread far and wide all over Myanmar. 4.jpeg Civil servants from the revenue department joined protests on Friday morning in Yangon. She also reported that security forces had killed 38 people on that day alone, in the most dramatic escalation of violence against protesters since popular resistance to the coup began nearly a month ago. However, our reporters estimate that there are still hundreds of thousands of protesters around the area. Carrying an injured man in Mandalay, Myanmar, on Saturday. Two people were fighting for their lives on Tuesday after police fired live bullets into a crowd of peaceful protesters in Naypyitaw, a doctor at a hospital in the capital told Myanmar Now. He also maintained that the State Administration Council (SAC), as the newly installed regime calls itself, plans to implement its own five-point roadmap for the country in the near future, Burgener added. Copyright © 2021 Myanmar NOW. In response, the young protesters are staging a sit-in.Â. The department said groups of people had been trying to disrupt public stability, safety and law enforcement, which can cause riots, and that gatherings, giving speeches, and protesting were therefore banned. Marches are moving here and there on 84th and 35th streets. Civil servants from the revenue department joined protests on Friday morning in Yangon.Â, Civil servants from the revenue department joined protests on Friday morning in Yangon.Â. “I can’t understand why they did this to us,” she said. Security forces also raided the office of the Free Funeral Services Society, whose team members helped treat people injured during attacks in North Okkalapa.

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