rakhine state population by religion

Posted by on Mar 3, 2021 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Thant Myint-U (2001), The Making of Modern Burma, Cambridge University Press, "Burma—International Religious Freedom Report 2009", "Buddhist Nationalism and Burmese Christianity", "Table: Religious Composition by Country, in Numbers | Pew Research Center", Elementary Hand-book of the Burmese Language, "Myanmar, Bangladesh leaders 'to discuss Rohingya, "টার্গেট আরাকান ও বাংলাদেশের কয়েকটি জেলা স্বাধীন রাষ্ট্রের স্বপ্ন জঙ্গিদের (Some Arakan and Bangladeshi militants target of Independent State)", "নতুন রাষ্ট্র গঠনে মিয়ানমারের ১১ টি বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদী গ্রুপ সংগঠিত হচ্ছে (11 secessionist group is organizing to create a new state in Burma)", Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture (Myanmar), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Religion_in_Myanmar&oldid=1007361263, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Myanmar is a multi-religious country. Rakhine State (formerly known as Arakan Province), like many parts of Burma, has a diverse ethnic population. It is a known fact that population movement was practically free all throughout the colonial period. He recounted that Muslim villages that had been situated along the highway between downtown Maungdaw and Taung Pyo Letwei in northern Maungdaw had been cleared out. Buddhists, although clearly professed by the majority of people in Myanmar, have their complaints regarding religious freedom. Contradicting the GAD official’s claim that there have been no new incidents, U Tun Thar alleged that in early February, five decades-old mosques in abandoned villages in Taung Bazar, located near a border police outpost, had been torn down by local Buddhist mobs and looters. [12] After independence from Britain, Burma Socialist Programme Party under Ne Win adopted xenophobic policies and expelled 300,000 Indian ethnic people (Hindus and Buddhists), along with 100,000 Chinese, from Burma between 1963 and 1967. Since independence, successive governments (both democratic and military) did not grant the citizenship of the Muslim Rohingya of Northern Rakhine (Arakan) and forbid missionary activities. “We don’t have any problem with them so far. Bamar people also practice the Burmese folk religion under the name of Buddhism. The coastal areas of Rakhine are susceptible to cyclones and … HRW’s Asia director Brad Adams was quoted in a statement as saying, “Bulldozing these areas threatens to erase both the memory and the legal claims of the Rohingya who lived there.”. Both names of the country are rooted in Hinduism; Burma is the British colonial officials' phonetic equivalent for the first half of Brahma Desha the ancient name of the region. Most are coping with anger, trauma and loss. Rohingya in the camps have recounted arbitrary killings, rapes and arson by Myanmar security forces. Meanwhile the flight of the Rohingya from rural areas of Buthidaung and Rathedaung continues. As of 2014, about 1.3 million Rohingyas lived in Myanmar and an estimated 1 million lived overseas. Buddhists make up 60% of the population, which stands at 3.2 million. The total population of the community as of 2020 is 16,000. Too many are not in school. According to 1931 census, 55% of Rangoon's (Yangon) population were Indian migrants, mostly Hindus. For other recent Crisis Group reporting on Myanmar, see Asia Briefings N°s 149, Myanmar’s Peace Process: Getting to a Political Dialogue, 19 Octobe… [15], In the 1970s, uprisings appeared again during the period of the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. Christianity is practised by 6.2% of the population,[1][7] primarily among the Kachin, Chin and Karen people, and Eurasians because of missionary work in their respective areas. As of December 2016, 1 7th stateless of the entire world's stateless population is Rohingya according to United Nations figures. Myanmar officials have been scrutinizing the profiles of refugees to screen for anyone involved in ARSA’s serial attacks. We just want to go and find food to survive but they [Rakhine villagers] might misunderstand. (Maungdaw District comprises Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships.). The British Indian-descended Muslims live mainly in, Zerbadi Muslims are descendent community of intermarriages between foreign, This page was last edited on 17 February 2021, at 19:04. It’s not clear whether Daw Aung San Suu Kyi sent an internal memo to ministries instructing them to use the term “Muslims in Rakhine State” instead of “Bengali” and “Rohingya”. While the reports were dated October 2017, they do not include figures on people with internally displaced person (IDP) status, Rohingya fatalities, Hindu or Rakhine victims, or damage caused by both military and security officials. Owing to the administration system introduced by the British, reliable demographic data for Rakhine can be found in the 1872 census, according to which the population of Sittwe District was 276,671, of which 58,255 or 21% were Bengali-Muslims. Most live in Rakhine State on Myanmar’s western coast. According to Abdul Wahid, they have received food only twice in six months, once from the ICRC and once from local authorities. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs’ updated headcount of new arrivals at the Gawdu Thara shore in southern Maungdaw Township, at least 3,206 people fled between the beginning of January and Feb. 21, and 804 new arrivals were encamped near the seaside. According to both the 2014 census of the Burmese government Buddhism is the dominant religion, of 88% of the population, practiced especially by the Bamar, Rakhine, Shan, Mon, Karen people and Chinese ethnic groups. Muslims are spread across the country in small communities. To get a clearer idea of the population ratios of Rakhine, Rohingya and Hindu groups before Aug. 25, see the following infographic pie chart created by The Irrawaddy, accompanied by footage of the exodus originally posted on OCHA’s website.

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