sri lanka tsunami warning system

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The operationalisation of the interface in an end-to-end tsunami warning system was assessed against each criterion of the framework. Because of the scale of the threat posed by tsunami inundations on human lives, there has been considerable effort to establish early warning systems that can warn communities at risk. 249-265. In this context, it is important that the core warning system at the national level is functioning accurately and that all the mechanisms are in place to take swift decisions and actions in case of an actual tsunami event. He was also working in the Centre for Climate Change Studies (CCCS) in the Department of Meteorology. Maheshika Menike Sakalasuriya is a PhD student at the School of Art, Design and Architecture, of University of Huddersfield, UK. (2020), "The upstream-downstream interface of Sri Lanka’s tsunami early warning system", International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, Vol. Once the trained officers are transferred or promoted, the institutions have to either rely on untrained staff, recruit new staff or train existing staff to suit the vacant position. In doing so, the authors try to identify the shortcomings of its operation, and thereby provide recommendations to improve the early warning system as a whole. These specifications are required to be tested regularly using drills and simulation exercises. 212, pp. The information is based on the data collected by the research team in Sri Lanka and the reports compiled after the data collection. She is also a member and the formal advocate of UN1SDR “Making Cities Resilient” Campaign and the Working Group leader of the Words into Action on Accountability and Governance. 25-32. Since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, government and international agents work together to improve the national tsunami early warning system in Sri Lanka and keep it updated with technological advances, especially to facilitate the process of prediction and warning at the DoM. Sakalasuriya, M., Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R. and Hettige, S. (2018), “A study of the upstream-downstream interface in end-to-end tsunami early warning and mitigation systems”, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. Sri Lanka DMC and MDM In collaboration with UNDP. If, on the other hand, the seafloor is thrust up or suddenly dropped (as happens in subduction zones where one plate goes under another), a huge amount of seawater is displaced. (2005), “Real-time tsunami forecasting: challenges and solutions”, Natural Hazards, Vol. Premalal joined the SAARC Meteorological Research Centre in 2012 and worked nearly 18 months as a Scientist at the synoptic division. One community-based system is the Community Tsunami Early Warning Centre (CTEC) at Peraliya, a community on Sri Lanka’s southwest coast that was devastated by the December 2004 tsunami. In the first instance, a literature review was carried out to establish the current understanding of tsunami early warning system interface, and a conceptual framework was developed against which the interface process can be assessed (Sakalasuriya et al., 2018). As a small island and one that operates on a centralised governance system, the key decisions of issuing the tsunami warning and ordering for evacuation are taken at the national and ministerial levels, whereas the district and local institutions are vested with the responsibilities of delivering information and facilitating the timely evacuation of people. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The Director of the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) and Duty Officer at DMC are also authorised to issue evacuation orders on behalf of the secretary to MDM and the Director General of DMC. The problem is that in the moments after the earthquake, it is difficult or impossible to quickly determine the motions in the they have to call a tsunami alert because if they waited, by the time they could be sure that there was a definite change in the level of the seafloor, you would already be drowned. 9 No. According to the respondent from DoM, immediately after an earthquake, NTWC at DoM receives earthquake information and messages from the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN). Based on the findings, a framework was developed into a more detailed analytical framework that depicts the interface operationalisation in Sri Lanka, and can also be potentially applied to similar cases across the world. Yet, in the case of Sri Lanka, certain misunderstandings occur at the national level because of the lack of effective coordination and not having a synergised SOP. He joined the Meteorological Department as a Meteorologist in 1988. Braun, V. and Clarke, V.J.Q. 35 No. WHO strengthened the Ministry of Health's communication technology infrastructure for data collection: a New Dengue Control Unit monitors dengue cases, an Epidemiological Unit serves as an early warning system facilitating epidemic response and a Regional Medical Supplies Division reinforces the medical supply c… The end-to-end tsunami early warning and mitigation system is the single most effective way of predicting the impact of tsunami, and issuing warnings and evacuation orders to the public (Cecioni et al., 2014). Although GSMB functions on a 24 × 7 roster duty basis, very few staff members operate in the night and that number is not adequate for an actual tsunami situation. Bottom pressure sensors can relay information in real time. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data according to the conceptual framework, and an improved and detailed framework was developed deriving from the findings. An interview guideline was developed and semi-structured interviews were conducted with key personnel from the above-mentioned departments, ministries and institutions, who are directly involved in early warning activities before, during and after a tsunami. 35 No. Using the data analysis, the original conceptual framework was updated to reflect the Sri Lankan situation in particular, and the practicalities of the interface mechanisms. Perry, R.W. 141-153. Haigh, R., Sakalasuriya, M.M., Amaratunga, D., Basnayake, S., Hettige, S., Premalal, S. and Jayasinghe Arachchi, A. (+94) 11 269 4846. The spatial and socio-cultural factors, such as hazard and vulnerability mappings (Bernard, 2005; Schlurmann et al., 2010), community education and participation (Collins and Kapucu, 2008; Dengler, 2005), indigenous and local knowledge (McAdoo et al., 2009) and religious and language difference (Perry, 2007), should also be taken into consideration when developing tsunami early warning systems. DMC is endowed with the responsibility of updating the technology and maintaining tsunami early warning towers located around the country. Given the complexity that some of these social and cultural factors bring into the picture, public opinions and responses cannot be taken for granted and an appropriate public education strategy needs to the developed in collaboration with media institutions. You can join in the discussion by joining the community or logging in here.You can also find out more about Emerald Engage. Address. She has also developed knowledge and interest in disaster prevention, conceptual analysis and theory building, and involved in research related to natural disasters and early warning systems. The bulletins followed by the DMC and DoM in Sri Lanka were found to be obsolete and were not updated since 2012. (2006), “Using thematic analysis in psychology”, Qualitative Research in Psychology, Vol. The first section provides a brief literature review containing background information related to tsunami early warning systems, concepts underpinning the upstream–downstream interface and the conceptual framework used for the study. The buffer zone which was initially operational in the coastal region soon after 2004 tsunami is not fully adhered to by the local people, and communities are extremely vulnerable to the immediate threat that can be caused by a tsunami inundation (Birkmann et al., 2010). The improved analytical framework for the interface of tsunami early warning system is presented in Figure 3, as nine major concepts with sub-components added under each concept. Two times tsunami evacuations (2007 & 2012) and one Tsunami warning (2011) were issued after the 2004 up to now. The human factor brings an important dynamic to the issue of early warning, especially with regard to decision-making and response (Perry, 1979). While some stakeholders are key in decision-making, others play a significant role in receiving and disseminating warning information throughout the interface process. Basher, R. (2006), “Global early warning systems for natural hazards: systematic and people-centred”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol. The NTWC and DMC in Sri Lanka have been facing challenges because of the predictions given by astrologers which tend to misguide and confuse the general public. 45-57. In general, early warning systems involve multiple components; are supported by a combination of different scientific bodies and experts; and engage a large variety of stakeholders. Pre-IOWave16 workshop on standard operating procedures for tsunami warning and emergency response for Indian ocean countries, Iternational Early Warning Programme (IEWP). A summary of the roles played by some of the key actors is provided in Table II. The NEOP was prepared by DMC and all the SOPs pertaining to evacuation plans are described in this document. 13 of 2005. 6, pp. However, the DMC does not take any actions until official bulletins are issued by DoM. GSMB also receives earthquake information from its own regional centres, who analyze them further for location, depth and magnitude. To provide meteorological services to national and international aviation in accordance with the technical regulations stipulated by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). 172 No. Taubenböck, H., Goseberg, N., Setiadi, N., Lämmel, G., Moder, F., Oczipka, M., … Strunz, G. (2009), ‘last-mile’ preparation for a potential disaster-interdisciplinary approach towards tsunami early warning and an evacuation information system for the coastal city of Padang, Indonesia”, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, Vol. The decision to disseminate the warning and order for evacuation takes place at the national level, and with the involvement of both DoM and DMC. Through the initial literature review, a conceptual framework was developed, highlighting the criteria against which the interface process can be assessed. Tsunami crushes Sri Lanka tourism By Sanjoy Majumder BBC News, southern Sri Lanka ... days ago Nath Gunawardene was hosting a group of German tourists at his Dilena hotel on Unawatuna beach in southern Sri Lanka. The below paragraph provides a summary of the issues discussed in the conceptual framework. Fax Number. We found out that the area we were in Uppuvelli had no loudspeaker warnings these were only in the main town area. Since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, government and international agents work together to improve the national tsunami early warning system in Sri Lanka and keep it updated with technological advances, especially to facilitate the process of prediction and warning at the DoM. Therefore, there are components of both natural and social sciences used in the system properties (Zschau and Küppers, 2002). After the findings of the study were presented at the FGD, the national-level institutions were prompted to update the bulletins to match the regional standards.

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