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Posted by on Mar 3, 2021 in Uncategorized | No Comments

This strange sensation in my head seems very similar to yours. Read about sex and MS . My mother had the same problem, and I think that strange head sensation is a common thing among working people. E. EricaCFIDS New Member. The very nature of the disease is that our immune system isn’t working right (it’s attacking our own bodies), so many treatments will often decrease the effectiveness of our immune system. It's a neurological condition not particularly linked to MS. So these are just a few of the weird symptoms that MS can cause. Feelings of dizziness and feeling off-balance can actually be quite common among those with MS.
Hopefully, they will help you bring some questions to your doctor. It gets trickier while moving. Who ever I ask usually looks at me as if I'm crazy, but the feeling is so real that I feel a need to verify it for my own piece of mind.


Thank you qvh5op,that's very interesting!
But if it's only occasional, and lasts just a few seconds, would you want treatment for it anyway? Sad to hear it took so long to get that RRMS diagnosis. The noise I hear now is a metal noise. I have ms and have the zaps that are very strange, feels like and electric pulse. After two days of feeling unusual, Ms Paige and her friend began to … I am really looking for some advice as to how I go about sorting this out. Seeing all the comments, I now realize how common it is!


I have some of the weird symptoms along with the common symptoms, but the treatment that really has helped me is a sleep apnea machine. deleted_user 10/26/2012. I even asked a co-worker if i was wet on my back side. Pay attention to the tension and accept it.
I also get eye twitching and the feeling like I have a hair on my face that I can’t get off! I always feel like I ran a marathon but all I do is sit at work, and when I lay down they feel like they are wrapped in barbed wire. I don’t know if the exploding head syndrome is part of the MS though. I get weird sensation through my head and... Lisasums • 9 Replies. Makes me jump out of my skin. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Nothing was there.
I am so grateful for my neurologist and medications she prescribed.


It must be an anomaly. Hello. Lisa


Hi Devin,
They are usually acrid and very unpleasant. 😮(


Hi Devin, I seem to be finding myself reading many of your articles- they are very informative to me. Other than that, I don't know. Also known as the “barber chair sign,’” L’Hermitte’s sign feels like an electrical … Has anyone experienced strange 'popping' sensation in head. All of a sudden I can't cough. i googled it and found it was linked with ms, touch wood its not happened for a while now..... Tony.. I'm currently having the weirdest and possibly most frightening symptom I've ever had! I look down and nothing is there. Hi. I didnt get it before ms either. Its rather like taking a flight and the ears and around behind the nose is popping, like altitude sickness. I take it seldom not.. and that symptom is not around much . My eyes and my hands are telling me that my legs are dry, but my legs are telling me they are wet. "As soon as she started to get the cough, we knew we weren't being paranoid so we stayed home immediately." I get both burning and icy cold feelings in my feet at the same time.
But MS, a disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the central nervous system—the brain and spinal cord—can actually cause myriad other symptoms, from head to toe. It happened two more instances that same night. Luckily it appears to be harmless. I have a lot less fatigue and cognitive problems. MS Hug, I have had 3 of those and I can tell you they are very painful. Yet touching it with my hands, I did not feel/find wetness. When I first started getting it I googled it and found something called 'Exploding Head Syndrome' (I kid you not!). Close SURGE FEELING IN MY HEAD RIDDICK_777. When you sense that first sign of tension, slow down and stop whatever it is you are doing for a moment.
Imagine feeling a sudden electric jolt through your body just because you moved your head? Please ask your dentist about acquiring a mouth guard. Occasionally I get a strange popping sensation sensation inside my head, it feels like my brain has an airlock in it or a short circuit, it only lasts for a few seconds but its scary enough to stop me in my tracks. I have had allergy testing, ct scans, ecg, hormone testing, blood tests for all the usual suspects (cancer, diabetes, lupus, lyme) all to no avail. I have auditory hallucinations, where I will hear a radio or the television, even when neither are on anywhere in the house - it absolutely drives me up the wall. Anxiety can cause a huge number of different symptoms and sensations, because anxiety is so much more than 'in the head'. I know it is. My most recent symptom for the past two weeks, I've been having this strange feeling in my head. By providing your email address, you are agreeing to our privacy policy. It scared me so much I had brain tests done and my brain is fine! My name is ally and I’m getting popping slightly painful on top of my left side of my head I’m scared I haven brain lesions and fibromyalgia Could I be having s stroke ? I got better, they gave me nothing for it....and I didn't get a change in my fibromyalgia diagnosis. I'm sorry to hear that, I have trouble tilting my head all the back too (also all the way forward will make me dizzy and light headed as well).


OMG!! It’s so bizarre!


Yes, I can tolerate very hot items, but we need to be very careful not to let this "super power" lead to burns.


Hi Devin,
It literally burns & feels wet underneath only 1 nostril, and also inside the same nostril BUT only on the bottom, inside it. My point is that we are much more susceptible and need to remember that. Its inside the head, mostly when i turn my head the slightest movement. I do not believe there's any way you could actually feel lesions in your brain - the brain isn't sensitive to touch, because normally, there's no way it could get touched, as it's in a sealed container - LoL. Something I haven’t seen mentioned here. Formication is also a type of paresthesia which is defined as tingling dermal sensations. If they happen while I'm not moving I know what it is. One week it was feeling like I couldn't take a full breathe, another next week it was heart palpitations, another week headaches/migraines. I said to my husband " did you hear that bell"? Now imagine the consequences of such a thing if you were driving or operating dangerous equipment, it’s not only unpleasant, it’s dangerous. It makes every aspect of life incredibly difficult. Exercises for MS symptoms.

It showed a LOT of demyelination of the pons in the brain stem!
-Warmly, Donna (MultipleSclerosis.net team)


I have had the wet sensation a lot actually. We never went in, I just wanted to be close in case I was having a major heart attack. If I catch it as it begins with either a baclofen or tizanadine, then I can head it off. Neurologist says could be MS, but suggested I see my regular doctor. Picking up an illness, even something like the common cold can be a nightmare. New diagnosis and before diagnosis . Long story short, I have spinal fusion rods on my entire spine so the MRI's were inconclusive since he could not see anything.
Will the MRIs be useless by then if the flare is over?


Yep, yep Devin you have it just right once more. It really feels like someone stabbing a knife behind my eyeball. :/ It's not a migraine, because I get those, too. Usually I fell this when I'm about to get something like a cold.


Thank you Valentina! Does this sound formilar to anyone? But for the past ten years or so, I haven't been able to tilt my head back while standing without risking a fall ... even sitting in a chair outdoors and leaning my head back causes dizziness and light-headedness. Communities > Multiple Sclerosis > SURGE FEELING IN MY HEAD. Brain & Nervous System / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Support Group. I hardly ever get a cold or get sick. Most commonly referred to as “numbness” or “tingling,” these are two of the most frequent MS symptoms for which people seek help. The wet thing!!
I get a strange and scary sensation that my limbs and chest are being squeezed and like my blood vessels are being constricted. Same with phantosmia (smell hallucinations) - generally unpleasant, like rotten fish or really low-quality cigarettes (I don't smoke).


I get the electric shocks but they are very mild in intensity. He replied "No".
It feels like the floor is rolling up & down. I very rarely drink, and never to an excess. I seems as if it is in my brain.
Thank you so much for this article! This community is a place where members can discuss current events and weigh in on what's going on in the world. Hang in there, MS friends.
It's great to have others to bounce these MS quirks off with.


Thank you LKBnKY!

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