youtube we are heirs of the father
(D)We are members of His (A)body,we are objects of His (D)love.We're partakers of His (G)holinesswe are (D)citizens of(A) heaven (D)above. Being a direct heir, in society, would not have been possible for the Galatian women, though they would receive a kind of indirect inheritance through marriage. Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube (D)We are Heirs, of the (A)Father, we are joint heirs with the (D)son.
Comments Off on The Name and the Voice of the Lord, “And as for Seth, to him also a son was born and he named him Enosh. We Are Heirs Of The Father Mp3 }}- music. Comments Off on Who is My Neighbour?
The Eternal King of glory, Saviour of the whole world was subjected to the most …. Happy Independence day Nigeria. Comments Off on Your Mind, YOUR M.I.N.D The mind is the set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, imagination, perception, thinking, judgment, language and memory which is housed in the brain (sometimes including the central nervous system). “Jesus said, “Simon, listen to me!
document.write(""+"script>"); (D)We are Heirs, of the (A)Father,we are joint heirs with the (D)son.We are people of His (G)kingdom,we are (D)family (A)we are (D)one. Our main …, May 11, 2019
Comments Off on Happy Independence day Nigeria. Biblical Truths, Nation Building
Biblical Truths, Nation Building
(Wikipedia) “Keep your heart with all …, August 27, 2019
We have Christ at work within us, Shaping us to be like Him; Resurrection power sustaining Freedom from the snares of sin. Through His power, He healed the Sick, raised the Dead, cast out demons, (thus, delivering the Oppressed), fed the Hungry, gave hope and peace to the Poor and the Weary, forgave sins and restored back the backsliders. April 1, 2019
Biblical Truths, Family
* The capacity of …, March 9, 2020
The following questions flooded my heart as I searched for specific reasons to be thankful. Biblical Truths
And scary because verse 17 says that we will have to suffer in order to receive it. There is help and …, June 8, 2019
Blessed are you, for this wonderful opportunity graciously provided for you to become fellow heirs to the great and precious promises made to Abraham. Biblical Truths, Lifestyle
Comments Off on I Do not Come to Call The Righteous But the Sinners To Repentance, “I DO NOT COME TO CALL THE RIGHTEOUS, BUT SINNERS, TO REPENTANCE” MARK 2:17B Our Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ made this statement when He was criticized by The Scribes and The Pharisees over His interaction with tax collectors and sinners. on GOD, OUR REFUGE, OUR STRENGTH AND OUR DWELLING PLACE. Lifestyle
In less than five minutes, Mother A sighed and said; ‘ “I’m married to the laziest and …. December 1, 2018
Figure out the heirs eligible to inherit. We Are Objects Of His Love. It portrays total confidence in God and His word. March 1, 2021
Biblical Truths, Lifestyle
(D) We are Heirs, of the (A) Father, we are joint heirs with the (D) son. We are heirs of God Almighty, Apple of the Father’s eye; Free, forgiven, loved, accepted, Clothed in righteousness divine. Lifestyle, News
March 31, 2020
Comments Off on HAPPY 3rd ANNIVERSARY, HOTF!
Comments Off on Jesus did not only die for Christians, He died for the whole world. Then men began to call on the name of the LORD”. JESUS DIED FOR ALL MEN Before His birth, death and resurrection, there were no Christians. May you not lose it in Jesus name. As the whole world celebrates Easter, please permit me to remind you of the reason for our hope and joy in Christ. Comments Off on Upholding Biblical Standards and Values in Today’s world, To uphold means to sustain or maintain something. I was discoursing with Joy Shimite of @outburstmusicgroup about spiritual songs, especially how many Songs of our young age and Hymn are not being appreciated for the riches they hold simply because we have unconsciously given these songs a new meaning by singing them …
Comments Off on God’s Will, Oftentimes, we wonder if we are in the will of God when faced with so much pressure, fear, anxiety and uncertainty: Our sense of reasoning and general perception of God become vague, grossly beclouded by the happenings around us. We give away what we can for free, and charge as little as possible for resources involving copyright. If miracles still happen? Comments Off on Merry Christmas to You All, November 25, 2019
Comments Off on “UPON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH AND THE GATES OF HELL, SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT” Matt16:18, The Holy Bible did not only give specific records of how Jesus was rejected by unbelievers but also of how he was greatly tested and persecuted by the religious leaders of His time who believed they were more righteous than Him, The Lord of Glory Himself. It grants …, October 9, 2020
Comments Off on Sin, Satan, the World and Church today. Upholding Biblical Standards and Values in Today’s world.
Comments Off on Thanksgiving, Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.” When Apostle Paul and Pastor Timothy admonished the Christians …, April 30, 2020
Biblical Truths
* something to which one has recourse in difficulty. Almighty God made provision for everything we would ever …, May 16, 2020
The Bible sometimes uses the word heir to describe us as recipients of a gift from God (Galatians 4:7). Biblical Truths
… var sc_invisible=1;
0, When Joseph was kept in a pit by his brothers because of their jealousy and hatred for him; sold as a slave to the Midanites; bought by Potiphar, served in his house and ended up in prison as a result of the lie of his master’s wife, where was God? Biblical Truths, Lifestyle
An heir is a person who receives something of value from a father (see Mark 12:7).
Again, if we are co-heirs with Christ, our inheritance is secure because there is absolutely no doubt that Jesus will inherit all that the Father has ordained to give Him. We have Christ at work within us, Shaping us to be like Him; Resurrection power sustaining Freedom from the snares of sin. Biblical Truths
MyMIDI Worship Resources Ltd is a not-for-profit Company located in Australia. 0, The great commission passed down to all His disciples, beginning with the 12, was to preach the gospel (The kingdom of God is at hand, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons and to give freely, all we received freely) (Matthew 10:5-8, 27). When He gave The Holy Spirit to us, He gave His ALL. We are heirs of the Father, (We are family) - Quality music for congregational singing, prepared by church musicians. Dearly Beloved, there is no better ….
Upholding Christian values therefore means sustaining, keeping erect/straight, the values of Christ as laid down in scriptures. These lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. (D)We are washed, we are (A)sanctified,we are cleansed by His (D)blood.We are born of His (G)Spirit,we are (D)children (A)of the (D)Lord. Comments Off on He Knows Us Inside Out, God who created us, knows us best, loves us most of all and nothing about us takes Him by surprise. * a place or situation providing safety or shelter. “UPON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH AND THE GATES OF HELL, SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT” Matt16:18, Season’s Greetings From All of Us at Heirs Of the Father.
on The Prince of this World Comes but he has no Part in Me. Comments Off on Dreams, We bless God for His goodness and mercy towards everyone of us in 2018 and we trust Him for a more prosperous 2019 in every area of our lives and nation in Jesus Name. Biblical Truths, News
We Are Washed, We Are Sanctified.
Comments Off on Season’s Greetings From All of Us at Heirs Of the Father. As we celebrate the 59th Independence Day of our great Nation, Nigeria, let us all soberly reflect on our journey thus far. Lifestyle
What is your reading of it?” So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love The Lord your God with all your heart, …. News
Painstakingly, Our Loving Heavenly Father …, May 2, 2020
He is …, When God gave His Son, Jesus to die for all mankind, He gave His BEST. March 17, 2019
Lifestyle, Nation Building
var sc_security="bc7a57d5"; Chosen to be pure and blameless From before the world began; Grace for every situation, Sheltered in the Father’s hand.
We are living in the time when the importance of the powerful manifestation of The Holy Spirit …, December 31, 2019
Biblical Truths, Nation Building, News
Comments Off on Dreams Part 2, Still on our topic, “Dreams”, in Joel 2:28, God’s promise of the great outpouring was that “Our sons and daughters shall prophesy, our old men shall dream dreams and our young men shall see visions”. 0, We at HOTF join our fellow Nigerians in celebrating our 60th Independence Anniversary. Ezekiel 34:17 Two years ago, we published a series of articles on “Who are the sheep and what are they expected to do?”, “Be a follower …. Biblical Truths
What began as a Whatsapp group with …. Nation Building
It is a fact that with each generation there are certain peculiarities to the challenges they face, yet they bear certain similarities. Comments Off on The Holy Ghost Zone, The Holy Ghost Zone Acts 2 describes the manifestation of The Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost as the saints gathered together in one accord. Large range of public domain old traditional hymns and modern songs. Biblical Truths, Lifestyle
Allow me introduce you to The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Soon and Coming King, The Reigning King, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
0, What God Wants The worship of God is slowly becoming more centered on “Self” than on God, especially by Christians in the world today. We are born of His (G) Spirit, we are (D) children (A) of the (D) Lord. Today we move into the spectacular and scary promise of verse 17.
: "http://www. Comments Off on He Came to Set the Captives Free, Are you in a tight situation? Christian values refer to the guiding …, April 8, 2019
The Word of God; Praying and Living Deliberately Like Never Before; Rejoice, Be Thankful and Praise God; I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU THAT YOUR FAITH FAILS NOT… WISDOM; The Desires of the Father; Happy 60th Independence Anniversary, NIGERIA!!!! Taking our cue from the biblical story of King Solomon in 2 Chronicles chapters 6 and 7 when he built the temple, offered sacrifices and prayers to God …, September 26, 2019
Praise, Worship and Prayer have become what some believers offer to God in exchange of endless lists of both present and future demands without much consideration …, October 1, 2020
Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men.” (Now this, “He ascended”—what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts …, February 2, 2021
Biblical Truths, Lifestyle
Permit me to call Him in Yoruba dialect “The AR’INU R’ODE, OLUMORAN OKAN.” meaning “THE ONE WHO SEES INSIDE OUT, THE REVEALER OF THE THOUGHTS AND INTENTS OF THE HEART” …, October 16, 2018
Biblical Truths
It is our most sincere prayer that Our Eternal Heavenly Father who has kept us together as a people under God till now, will continue to bring to pass all the positive declarations and prophecies over our …, September 1, 2020
We Are Cleansed By His Blood. If there is anything, every believer is expected to …, There is no better time to give thanks to The Lord, praise His Holy Name and be exceedingly joyful in Him than now. WHAT CAN A MAN GIVE IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS SOUL? Genesis 4:26 Seth’s lineage acknowledged the importance of the relationship with God and reverencing His Name, after the fall and death of Abel, …, July 1, 2019
We Are Heirs Of The Father We Are Joint-Heirs With The Son. Biblical Truths, Nation Building
The Prince of this World Comes but he has no Part in Me. James (Jimmy) Lloyd Owens Birth: 1930 Available on Songs/Hymns written: 8 Music: 12 The reason is because Our God reigns, He is Great and clothed in honour and Majesty (Psalm 93:1, 104:1). News
September 1, 2020 Biblical Truths 0. Before downloading We Are Heirs Of The Father Mp3 Videos, Free MP3 Downloads.Download real MP3 and FLAC music to your computer or smartphone for free. The same issues are at play from generation to generation. Biblical Truths
The 38 heirs and heiresses who posed for Bruce Weber are making privilege count—many, ... We grew up on a vineyard just like my father grew up on a vineyard. The word ’Strength’ means the quality or state of being physically strong. We Are Members Of His Body. 0, Human beings experience different degrees of these emotions at one point or another in a lifetime. The word ‘Refuge’ means the state of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or difficulty. (Romans 8: 17). If we share in Christ's suffering in order to share his glory, we are heirs together with him. the father's in the heavenly angel's just like we are in the body of yahusha May God bless our Country and give our leaders the right wisdom and knowledge, September 19, 2018
There are 60 lyrics related to We Heirs Of The Father. Song: We are heirs of the Father We are joint heirs with the Son We are children of the kingdom We are family, we are one. Comments Off on Of the Increase of His Government and Peace, There is no End, It is amazing to know that despite all the attacks from satan and men against The Name, The Word and Person of Jesus Christ, His Kingdom increases daily and is greatly established here on earth and in Heaven.
If we are his children, we are also God's heirs. The GOD of yesterday is STILL GOD, today! Choose one of the browsed We Heirs Of The Father lyrics, get the lyrics and watch the video. Lifestyle, News
Comments Off on The Challenges of Youth Regarding Salvation, Church and Ministry, Keeping the good faith in a perverse and crooked world is onemajor challenge, the youth are faced with. Biblical Truths
So, we earnestly seek God’s affirmation that we are still on …, July 22, 2019
GOD, OUR REFUGE, OUR STRENGTH AND OUR DWELLING PLACE. DEPRESSION, DISAPPOINTMENT, WORRY, AND FEAR. We are heirs of the Father We are joint heirs with the Son We are Children of God’s Kingdom We are Family, We are One! Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 With the major global crisis and all the unprecedented happenings shaking the very foundation …, Have you ever wondered if God could ever single you out for His blessings?
Another definition is to hold up, to lift on high, to elevate, to keep erect, to and to support. Biblical Truths, Lifestyle, News
Their father, Duke's nephew Walker Patterson Inman Jr., was a heroin addict who got custody of the children when he divorced their mother when they were 2.
Comments Off on A Plank and A Speck, Two mothers sat together on a cool Saturday morning watching with interest, as their husbands and children played handball with other families at a Sports Programme organized by their church for all families. Chosen to be pure and blameless From before the world began; Grace for every situation, Sheltered in the Father’s hand. 1. 0, The biblical account of the Contemporary English Version of Luke 22:31-34 clearly explains how Jesus foretold the impending tests and trials of the disciples’ faith; most especially Peter’s and how He counseled him on the right disposition in handling them. Religious inclinations, race, social status, education or any other factor cannot override these negative feelings which, when allowed to fester on our minds, open the door to satanic attacks.
Biblical Truths, Nation Building
April 23, 2019
We at HOTF join our fellow Nigerians in celebrating our 60th Independence Anniversary.
Comments Off on When God Says, You are Qualified, WHEN GOD SAYS, “YOU ARE QUALIFIED”. The Supreme Court on Thursday reiterated that heirs of a woman's father can inherit property under the Hindu Succession Act without being held as a 'stranger'.
We have developed some unique resources. Every moment, His Word is propagated in the hearts and souls of …, June 17, 2019
To them (although not clearly stated), He was supposed …, May 31, 2019
(D)We are longing for His (A)coming,we are looking to the (D)skies,we are watching, we are (G)waitingwe shall (D)dwell with Him, (A)we shall (D)rise. on “UPON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH AND THE GATES OF HELL, SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT” Matt16:18, on Season’s Greetings From All of Us at Heirs Of the Father, on An Attitude of Praise and Thanksgiving, The 5-Fold Ministry and The Manifestation of The Sons of God, Praying and Living Deliberately Like Never Before, I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU THAT YOUR FAITH FAILS NOT…. The inspiration for this topic came last year but …, December 24, 2018
Comments Off on An Attitude of Praise and Thanksgiving, Reminiscing about the past months of the almost ending year 2018, I concluded that there could be no better way to wrap it up, except by praising God with an attitude of gratitude. Dearly Beloved, Words are never enough to appreciate THE KING OF KINGS, THE LORD OF LORDS, THE GREAT I AM, THE ONLY POTENTATE, THE MOST HIGH GOD for His innumerable blessings and goodness in our lives and group, ‘Heirs of The Father’ (Hotf). 0, The simplicity of God’s Word often makes it easy for men to stumble at HIM. Comments Off on GOD, OUR REFUGE, OUR STRENGTH AND OUR DWELLING PLACE. In turn, husbands and fathers were expected to provide for the women of their households. Moving forward this year 2020, it is equally essential for us as Elects of God, to abide in The Holy Ghost zone as partakers …, December 25, 2019
We Are Partakers Of His Holiness We Are Citizens Of Heaven Above. We Are Born Of The Spirit We Are Children Of The Lord. Comments Off on Mountain Moving Faith, MOUNTAIN MOVING FAITH Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Includes words and scores for public domain hymns. 1. Comments Off on The Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Many expository writings on The Holy Spirit have been published by great men of God, thus this article is simply intended to add my voice to the truth that has been well proclaimed.
In fact, His worst …, February 1, 2019
Looking beyond our circumstances, daring to worship God …, November 16, 2020
Biblical Truths
(D)We shall reign with Him (A)forever,Men and angels shout and (D)sing.For dominion has been (G)givento the (D)family (A)of the (D)King. Biblical Truths, Lifestyle
1Samuel 15:10-29, Verse 10 Now the word of The Lord came to Samuel, saying, Verse 11 “I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king, for he has turned back from following Me, and has not performed My commandments.” And it grieved …. It is our most sincere prayer that Our Eternal Heavenly Father who has kept us together as a people under God till now, will continue to bring to pass all the positive declarations and prophecies over our … Read More » The God Who Truly Hides Himself. Happy 60th Independence Anniversary, NIGERIA!!!! But God, who sits in the heavens, scoffs at these proud earthly kings. Satan has demanded the …, The word ‘W.I.S.D.O.M’ as an acronym for me, stands for W – Witty I – Inspirations S – Supernaturally D – Downloaded O – On M – Man Wisdom is the divine ability to know, understand and walk in ways directed by the counsel and dictate of God. For example, intestate succession represents the order in which your heirs inherit according to your status at death. April 2, 2019
…, May 19, 2019
Jesus did not only die for Christians, He died for the whole world. "https://secure."
October 1, 2019
Are …, November 9, 2018
There is nothing more God owes us than all He has benevolently given us. This impacts how the court will distribute your assets. Comments Off on The Simplicity of Jesus (Part 2), Through His suffering and death on the cross. led by sister L. This video is unavailable. October 16, 2018
Comments Off on The Prince of this World Comes but he has no Part in Me.
Biblical Truths, Family, Nation Building, News
Spectacular because it says that all the children of God are his heirs — we will receive the inheritance of God, and there is no greater inheritance in the universe. Therefore, to attribute the sacrifice of Christ on the cross of Calvary only …, April 15, 2019
Comments Off on The ways of Jesus Christ, There is absolutely no way to discuss about the ways of JESUS without first meeting Him. on Jesus did not only die for Christians, He died for the whole world. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? International Standard Version Now if we are children, we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with the Messiah —if, in fact, we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. Watch Queue Queue Comments Off on You Have no Right to Speak About Others, It is a common human trait to talk about things and people but this trait becomes toxic and devilish when we become inhuman, insensitive, malicious, derive pleasure from causing offenses and tearing others down either secretly or publicly, without thoroughly investigating a matter, before jumping to wrong conclusions and misleading …, February 11, 2020
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