Jef Aérosol Evry

French artist Jef Aérosol just wrapped up a brand new piece in the city of Evry in France. The piece, was created for Wall Street Art Festival curated by Mathgoth Gallery. The piece, was created for Wall Street Art Festival curated by This new piece is one of the biggest painted by the artist to date.

TTY 617.373.3768 pioneer of what is now called “urban art” and he remains a reference and an influence among street artists of the younger generations. Despite their different skin colors or religion, they remain happy and positive.

Aérosol was born in Nantes in 1957.

Working on a school of Evry, in a mixed and popular neighborhood, the artist wanted to showcase the happiness of the local pupils. This new piece is one of the biggest painted by the artist to date.

Cargill Hall, Huntington Avenue French urban stencil artist Jean-François Perroy, better known under the pseudonym Jef Aérosol, is a first-generation street artist who began bringing his art to … This is a beautiful homage to youth, its beauty and innocence.Take a look below for more images on this artwork and then, make sure to let us know your thoughts down in our comments section.

French artist Jef Aérosol just wrapped up a brand new piece in the city of Evry in France. Jef Aérosol is the pseudonym of Jean-François Perroy (born January 15, 1957), a French stencil graffiti artist. He has been an urban art proponent in France since 1982, and is a contemporary of Blek le Rat and Speedy Graphito. He even pasted-up his famous “Sittin’ Kid” stencil on the Great Wall of China.

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