carte italie coronavirus
Les Etats-Unis et le Brésil continuent de payer le plus lourd tribut au virus. INSCRIVEZ-VOUS À LA NEWSLETTER INTERNATIONAL Le gouvernement italien a pris par décret ce dimanche 8 mars Les mesures de confinement concernent toute la région de Lombardie et les provinces septentrionales de Modène, Parme, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro et Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli, Padoue, Trévise, et Venise, comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessous. Read more Note: The seven-day average is the average of a day and the previous six days of data.These are days with a data reporting anomaly. Religious celebrations have been reinstated, as long as the faithful remain socially distant. Here is where you can find more detailed information in Italian: Tous les matins, recevez gratuitement la newsletter du HuffPostPour suivre les dernières actualités en direct sur Le HuffPost, cliquez ici Here’s how the number of new known cases and deaths are growing across Italy’s provinces. Track COVID-19 local and global coronavirus cases with active, recoveries and death rate on the map, with daily news and video. Carte de l'évolution du coronavirus COVID-19 en France par région. There have been at least 248,800 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Italy, according to the Daily data at the regional and provincial level is provided by the Italian Department of Civil Protection in Keep your distance from others. Circles are sized by the number of people there who have tested positive or have a probable case of the virus, which may differ from where they contracted the illness.These are days with a data reporting anomaly. Wear a mask outside your home. En cliquant sur « S'inscrire », je reconnais avoir pris connaissance de la Note: Data are based on reports at the time of publication. And as the country gets ready for a partial reopening on May 4, in the Morts: 30 265. A mask protects others from your germs, and it protects you from infection as well. Wash your hands often. ITALIE - Le nord de l’Italie est en suspend. At times, officials revise reports or offer incomplete information. For total cases and deaths: The map shows the known locations of coronavirus cases by region. © 2020 Le HuffPost SAS. You can help reduce your risk and do your part to protect others by following some
Avoid touching your face. Read more Note: Scale for deaths chart is adjusted from cases chart to display trend. Circles are sized by the number of people there who have tested positive, which may differ from where they contracted the illness. Here’s how the number of new cases and deaths are changing over time: Après l’annonce de cette quarantaine, à Milan, des milliers de personnes Quant au reste du pays, les cinémas, théâtres, musées, pubs, salles de jeux, écoles de danse, discothèques Avec la newsletter quotidienne du HuffPost, recevez par email les infos les plus importantes et les meilleurs articles du jour. Cas: 187 919. CORONAVIRUS. The virus can spread when our hands come into contact with the virus, and we touch our nose, mouth or eyes. Stay at least six feet away from people outside your household as much as possible. Population data are from the Italian National Institute of Statistics.Includes confirmed and probable cases where availableSource: Italian Department of Civil Protection. See the map, stats, and news for areas affected by COVID-19 on Google News Masks are compulsory across the country in all public indoor spaces. Read more about the toll the virus has taken on Italian On June 3, the Italian government dropped travel restrictions to and from European Union member states, Schengen area countries and the United Kingdom. Select deaths or a different column header to sort by different data. Governments often revise data or report a large increase in cases on a single day without historical revisions, which can cause an irregular pattern in the daily reported figures. How to protect yourself, and updates on the outbreak, from the The more people who wear masks, the more we all stay safer. Try to keep your hands away from your face unless you have just recently washed them.
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said Italy was “facing a calculated risk” by loosening the lockdown, citing recent data suggesting that infection rates remained low even after Italians began to ease out of lockdown. Guérisons Guéris: 81 870 . But the government was aware “that the epidemiological curve could go back up” — as it has in Belgium and Spain. Tous droits réservés. The Times is excluding these anomalies from seven-day averages when possible. 17,5 millions de cas, 680 000 morts : tel est le bilan du Covid-19 dans le monde, ce vendredi matin. Anytime you come in contact with a surface outside your home, scrub with soap for at least 20 seconds, rinse and then dry your hands with a clean towel. The government also allowed theaters and cinemas to reopen, provided they keep people one meter apart and limit audiences to 200 indoors and 1,000 outdoors. This table is sorted by places with the most cases per 100,000 residents in the last seven days. There have been at least 247,500 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Italy, according to the Italian Department of Civil Protection.As of Saturday morning, 35,141 people had died. As of July 1, travelers from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Coronavirus en Italie: la carte des zones en quarantaine Environs 15 millions d'Italiens sont concernés par les mesures exceptionnelles de confinement.
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