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Biting her lip, Alya calls Imran for advice.Geoff tells Yasmeen that he still loves her and he’s willing to drop the charges if she’ll promise to be his wife again. Pricing, channels, features, content, and compatible devices subject to change. Sophie and Sian decide to face the pastor. Michelle accepts Carla's job offer.Kevin anxiously awaits the results of the DNA test. Alina is surprised to learn that Seb isn’t engaged to Emma after all...David takes the train to Leeds to visit Shona. Not believing a word, Ken suggests it’s time the Residents’ Chair was put up for re-election.With hearing aids fitted, Aled’s face lights up at the sound of Chesney’s and Gemma’s voices.In the factory, Michael waits to be called for his telesales interview and babbles away nervously to Alina, telling her all about his little girl - Alina warms to him.Yasmeen secretly meets up with two police officers in the community centre.Rita finds Gemma alone and clearly upset in Victoria Garden. Leanne refuses to believe it. You can watch Coronation Street episodes there, Downton Abbey, new talents on Britain’s Got Talent, and many other UK shows popular worldwide.Other than a range of shows, iTV has a catalogue of regional movies, latest news and also some live sports events, and for free.Apart from PC and Mac, iTV streaming service is available on a range of portable platforms like Android and iOS. For personal and non-commercial use only. When you choose and connect to it, the server gives your device a new, virtual IP address.This address is of the server’s location. Michelle weighs up her career options.The question of Baby Jack's paternity preys on Kevin's mind on the day of the christening. David approaches some youths on bikes and purposely shoves one of them over and then stamps on the bike. Coronation Street » Weekdays at 7:00PM Get a sneak peek of the new way to watch Coronation Street! Ed does his best to take the news in his stride, but it’s clear he’s struggling and hurt to realise Aggie and Michael already knew.As Fiz, Tyrone, Hope and Ruby set off for Liverpool, Jade watches from a distance, consumed with jealousy.Gemma’s devastated when the audiologist confirms Aled has profound permanent hearing loss in both ears.Maria arrives in the nick of time to stop Ali from blabbing to Gary.Bethany informs Sarah she was rejected for the other restaurant job as well, and suspects Ray used his influence to have her blacklisted.Beth scathingly accuses Bethany of trying to steal Sinead’s life.Kevin confesses to Tyrone that he’s being blackmailed by Ray and if he doesn’t sell him the garage, he and Abi are off to prison.Sarah implores Bethany not to let her feelings for Daniel stand in the way of her career.Tracy urges Steve to up their offer on the house in the hope that it’ll top Peter’s bid.Beth storms into Sarah's Hen Do, revealing how Bethany is planning to run off to London with Daniel and Bertie.Alya calls to see her Gran but making out she’s in bed with a bad back, Geoff closes the door in her face.Following Sarah's wedding, Bethany joins Daniel for a dance and clings to him, fearing that he’s still in love with Sinead.Daniel tells Adam he reckons he needs to do something to prove to Bethany how committed he is and he intends to propose.In the Rovers, Adam dupes Ali into confessing to his recent fling with Maria.When Carla tells Nina about the gig this evening, Nina’s not keen and admits that she’d rather go bat watching with Roy.Aggie arrives in the pub and assures Ed that her first day went well.Maria and Gary watch in horror as Ali is loaded into an ambulance. Gary's dismissive but rattled.Yasmeen wakes from a dreadful nightmare to realise it’s the day of her trial.Elaine introduces herself to Sally in the cafe and explains that she’s Tim’s Mum, it broke her heart to abandon him but Geoff made her life a living hell and now she wants to do what she can to help Yasmeen.As Faye helps Geoff with the takeaway orders at Speed Daal, she quizzes him about the woman she saw him arguing with in the ginnel. Leanne won’t hear of it and asks her to leave.Alone at No.6, Geoff emails the prison and requests a visit with Yasmeen.Geoff returns to work at Speed Daal. LEARN MORE. Corey’s dumbstruck while Summer and Nina are seriously impressed.Gary is doing a bit of investigation work with the help of a PI to try and find Kelly’s mum Laura.The Judge adjourns the hearing for seven days and Yasmeen is led back to the cells.Spotting Laura in the cafe, Adam surreptitiously removes his wedding ring and turning on the charm, offers to buy her a coffee.Geoff calls at the factory and warns Sally that by siding with Yasmeen she’s forcing Tim to choose between his wife and his Dad, the stress of which could kill him.

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