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Andrea Palladio with modifications by Vicenzo Scamozzi, Villa Rotonda (formerly Villa Capra), 1566-1590s, near Vicenza, Italy (photo: Stefan Bauer, CC BY-SA 2.5) A palazzo in the countryside La Rotonda is perhaps the best known of the many country houses built in the Veneto in the sixteenth century. It is also known as La Rotonda, Villa Rotunda, Villa La Rotonda, and Villa Almerico.

For this reason, La Rotonda was not technically designed as a villa as much as an urban residence placed in the countryside. Compare this to the map [Quattro Libri dell’Architettura] and the cross-section of the Rotonda. As a result, Venetians looked to the Andrea Palladio with modifications by Vicenzo Scamozzi, interior of Villa Rotonda (formerly Villa Capra), 1566-1590s, near Vicenza, Italy (photo: La Rotonda was commissioned by Paolo Almerico, a retired prelate who returned to Vicenza after a career in the Vatican Court. We believe that the brilliant histories of art belong to everyone, no matter their background.

The correct name is Villa Almerico-Capra.

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Designed by Andrea Palladio, the Villa Almerico-Capra, commonly known as La Rotonda, would become one of the most recognizable buildings of the Renaissance. The proper name is Villa Almerico-Capra.

By using ancient Roman temples as a model, Palladio incorporates religious overtones into an otherwise secular space.

It is also known as La Rotonda, Villa Rotunda, Vill a La Rotonda, and Villa Almerico. Inside, La Rotonda is a colorful and vivid space that looks more like a church than a household. In fact, many of the paintings make explicit connections to the religious life of Almerico, celebrating religious values and Christian virtues, such as temperance and chastity.The exterior of La Rotonda also suggests the sacred. We created Smarthistory to provide students around the world with the highest-quality educational resources for art and cultural heritage—for free. This was a hilltop belvedere, or summer house, with a view, of completely symmetrical plan with hexastyle, or porticoes on each of four sides and central circular halls surmounted by domes. La villa Rotonda ou villa Almerico-Capra est une villa veneta située près de Vicence en Vénétie. The edifice was influenced by ancient Roman temples (such as the Pantheon) and sacred complexes (such as the Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia). thanks 4 the opportunity!!!!! At the same time, La Rontonda has a perennial quality to it; Palladio’s use of classical elements emphasizes a universal architectural language.

The popularity of villas at the time has to do with the changing Venetian economy. It is a building that consciously recalls ancient Roman classical models but its innovative design had a lasting impact for future generations of architects in Italy and abroad.Andrea Palladio, plan of the Villa Rotonda (formerly Villa Capra), 1566-1590s, near Vicenza, Italy, (photo: As an architect, Palladio was acutely interested in engaging viewers, something he often accomplished by making use of striking façades. The religious connotations of La Rotonda are palpable in the vibrant interior, which contrasts with the sober exterior. Elle a été construite entre 1566 et 1571, en partie selon les plans de l'architecte Andrea Palladio Historique de la construction. At the center of the building, a dome emerges over a central, circular hall. The correct name is Villa Almerico-Capra. At Smarthistory we believe art has the power to transform lives and to build understanding across cultures.

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