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Select the number of people (including you) who will be on the voyage - At this stage, you don't need to say whether they're adults or children.

UUUZ45 - O020222 30% Ponant Bonus 25% Ponant Bonus

Ushuaia Ushuaia Ab 2021 pflügt sich das weltweit erste Luxuskreuzfahrtschiff mit Eisklasse PC 2 auch durch Packeis, und das umweltschonend mit …

Ponant Cruises: The San Blas islands with Olivier De Kersauson LR134 - O230821

Enter your last name 10% Ponant Bonus Enter your date of birth

20% Ponant Bonus Your PONANT Yacht Club Number 2/1/2022 to 2/16/2022 4 Your email address LE COMMANDANT CHARCOT 11/18/2021 to 12/3/2021

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UUUX45 - O141221 Ushuaia Le Commandant Charcot is an icebreaking cruise ship under construction for the French shipping company Compagnie du Ponant.

le champlain; le laperouse; le bougainville; le dumont-d'urville; le bellot; le jacques cartier; le bougainville s20; le dumont d'urville s20; le champlain s20; le jacques cartier s20; polar explorer. Le Commandant Charcot Le Commandant-Charcot, the very first hybrid-electric polar exploration ship powered by liquefied natural gas, and the latest addition to the PONANT fleet, has now made it possible to operate polar expedition cruises of a kind never before undertaken. Transfer + Flight Nome/Seattle 48 4 Enter your last name

To create an account, please fill in the form below You will receive an email telling you your password and the information required to access your accountOur site is accessible using your smartphone, tablet or computer.To request a quote, please fill out the form below and a PONANT cruise consultant will get in touch with you shortly. LE … l'austral; le boreal; le lyrial; le soleal; l'austral s20; le lyrial s20; ponant explorers.

UUVE45 - O250322 Select the subject of your message UUVD45 - O140322 Ponant Cruises: Luxury sea voyage aboard cruise yachts

Optional: Do you have any comments or additional information you'd like us to know?

12/27/2021 to 1/8/2022


Ponant Cruises: The new generation of luxury cruise liners LE COMMANDANT CHARCOT Ponant Cruises: The top 5 most beautiful dives

1 30% Ponant Bonus LE COMMANDANT CHARCOT The Weddell Sea & Larsen Ice Shelf

Starting from 14.910 €. Choose the type of ship you want to go to.


le champlain; le laperouse; le bougainville; le dumont-d'urville; le bellot; le jacques cartier; le bougainville s20; le dumont d'urville s20; le champlain s20; le jacques cartier s20; polar explorer. Optional: Do you have any comments or additional information you'd like us to know? Ponant legt großen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und will den Gästen nicht nur unvergessliche Abenteuer bieten, sondern sie auch für die Empfindlichkeit der Polarwelt sensibilisieren und sie zu Botschaftern dieser Orte machen.

Expeditionsschiff Le Commandant Charcot. Gourmet-Restaurant Ponant Cruises: World leader in luxury expeditions

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