poutre lvl 7 1/4

Our VERSA-LAM ® LVL is manufactured in either Alexandria (Lena), Louisiana in Eastern United States, or in White City, Oregon for the Western United States. These LVL beams offer the support a faux wood beam needs when clear-spanning 10' or more. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) is an engineered wood product that uses multiple layers of thin wood assembled with adhesives.It is typically used for headers, beams, rimboard, and edge-forming material.LVL offers several advantages over typical milled lumber: Made in a factory under controlled specifications, it is stronger, straighter, and more uniform. Literature Read More. Advantages include: Protection: SiteCote ™ water-resistant coating protects during construction. ... Time lapse of LVL header install - Duration: 3:19. thedge7 18,840 views. VERSA-LAM ® laminated veneer lumber (LVL) beams and headers eliminate twisting, shrinking and splitting, and deliver flatter, quieter floors and structures. Top 5 Laminated Veneer Lumber LVL Brands How to Remove a Non-Load-Bearing Wall Basics of Removing a Load-Bearing Wall

7-1/4" 3.6 7.3 10.9 14.5 3918 7837 11755 15673 2411 4821 7232 9643 56 111 167 222 9-1/4" 4.6 9.3 13.9 18.5 6208 12416 18624 24832 3076 6151 9227 12303 115 231 346 462 9-1/2" 4.8 9.5 14.3 19.0 6529 13057 19586 26115 3159 6318 9476 12635 125 250 375 500 Top 7 DUMB Things I did when I Remodeled my House - Duration: 19:48. The types of projects where design efficiency, installed cost, labor savings and aesthetics are primary considerations.As the first choice for architects, engineers, contractors and building owners, RedBuilt has a proven record for quality solutions in office buildings, schools and universities, strip malls, national chain store locations, hotels and motels, multifamily housing, manufacturing facilities, heavy industry sites, large storage facilities and many more. LP SolidStart LVL Benefits. It can be used in place of traditional lumber for greater consistency and design flexibility. Matt Risinger 403,544 views. Much like RedBuilt engineered wood Red-I joists and Open-Web trusses, RedLam LVL and connectors are suitable for a wide variety of commercial and industrial applications. ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS (EWP) LVL SPAN AND SIZE CHARTS. Voir toute la documentation sur le LVL LP SolidStartLes produits LP sont un succès assuré pour tous vos travaux. LVL is always a major part of your materials cost for an addition, room bump-out, or wall elimination (for an open floor plan home). Poutre en forme de bûche LVL Épaisseurs offertes : 3-1/2 po, 5-1/4 po, 7˝ Profondeurs offertes :3-1/2 po, 5-1/2 po, 7-1/4 po, 9-1/4 po, 9-1/2 po,11-1/4 po, 11-7/8 po, 14 po, 16 po, 18 po, 20 po, 22 po, 23-7… LP ® SolidStart ® LVL is a strong, straight and durable framing product made for superior performance. Découvrez les avantages et les utilisations du LVL LP SolidStart.Acevedo Construction, une entreprise de charpente de maison sur mesure à Del Mar, en Californie, a récemment utilisé le LVL LP® SolidStart® pour la charpente de deux maisons côtières contemporaines avec des lignes extrêmement modernes et étendues et des finis exigeants. En savoir plus sur le LVL LP SolidStart en consultant les études de cas réels.Apprenez-en plus sur le LVL LP SolidStart avec le cours de formation continue de LP.Le LSL SolidStart de LP s'installe comme du bois d'œuvre traditionnel, mais le surpasse en matière de résistance et de consistance.Uniforme, plus linéaire et plus stable dimensionnellement que le bois d'œuvre, le panneau de bordure SolidStart Attach with Hanger. For specific information on these commercial building applications, visit the RedLam LVL headers and beams are available in the following sizes:RedLam LVL wall framing is available in the following sizes:For additional sizes see the RedLam LVL Specifier’s Guide or contact your RedBuilt Technical Representative. Depth: 3 1/2″, 5 1/2″, 7 1/4″, 9 1/4″, 11 1/4″ For additional sizes see the RedLam LVL Specifier’s Guide or contact your RedBuilt Technical Representative. RigidLam® LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber) beams provide a stronger, stiffer, consistent and more predictable building material and can support heavier loads and allow for greater spans than conventional lumber.

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