psychic pokemon attaque
Effect Generation I. Psychic does damage and has a 33.2% chance of lowering the target's Special by one stage.. Generation II onwards. Effekt. It then fires the orb of energy at the opponent, or Mew's body glows light blue. Mewtwo can also use this move on itself as means of levitating and transportation.Mew puts its hands together and forms a light blue orb of energy in between them. Has a 10% chance of confusing the opponent.Butterfree's eyes glow brightly and it releases multiple waves of energy from its body. Gothita can then control the opponent with its mind.Elgyem's eyes glow light blue. Or Alakazam's eyes glow light purple and then it can move its opponents around, with the opponents being outlined by a light purple glow.Abra puts its hands in front of it and fires a light blue energy beam from them at the opponent.Celebi's eyes or whole body glow light green. The opponent then becomes surrounded in light blue and Claydol can control it.Kirlia's eyes glow light blue, and it crosses its arms. The opponent becomes outlined in light blue and Banette can control it with its mind.Vivillon's eyes glow light blue.
The opponent becomes surrounded by a light purple aura and Ribombee can control it.In the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Animated TrailerMetagross's eyes glow blue, as does its outline. Prior to Generation VI, Steel/Psychic types were exempt from Psychic's three weaknesses, but since Steel no longer resists Dark and Ghost, this is no longer the case. The light then fades from around Unown's body and Unown can control the opponent with its mind.Bronzor's eyes glow light blue and the opponent becomes surrounded in a light blue outline for a moment.
The opponent becomes surrounded by a purple aura and Florges can control it.Trevenant's eyes glow light blue. The opponent then rises into the air and is thrown against a wall.
The opponent becomes surrounded by a light blue aura and Mew can control it.Exeggutor's eyes glow light green and it can control the opponent.Drowzee sticks its arms out and deflects an attack with its mind, or Drowzee's eyes glow light blue and the opponent glows light blue. The opponent's body becomes outlined in light blue and its body starts to glow light blue as well. The opponent becomes outlined in a blue aura and Attack Forme Deoxys can control it.Deoxys becomes outlined in blue and releases a powerful blast of invisible energy at the opponent, or Deoxys's eyes glow light blue and its body becomes outlined in a blue aura. The opponent becomes outlined in light blue and Frillish can control it with its mind.Frillish's eyes glow light blue and release waves of psychic energy. Then, the opponent becomes outlined in light blue and Gothitelle can control it with its mind.Litwick's eyes glow light blue. Then, the opponent becomes outlined in light blue and Litwick can then control the opponent with its mind. The ball of energy traps and freezes an attack inside it, or Spiritomb glances at an attack and a sphere of psychic energy appears around the attack, trapping and freezing it in place. Trägt das Pokémon eine Feldbeschichtung, so wird die Dauer des Feldeffekts auf acht Runden erhöht.. Pokémon, die den Boden berühren, können nicht von Attacken mit hoher Priorität getroffen werden.
Solosis can then control the opponent with its mind, or Solosis's eyes glow light blue and its body becomes outlined in light blue, as well as its body glowing light blue also. The opponent becomes surrounded by a purple aura and Hoopa can control it.Hoopa Unbound's eyes glow purple. It lifts one hand towards the opponent and its fingers also glow purple. Bronzor can then control the opponent.Misdreavus's body becomes surrounded in light blue and its eyes glow light blue as well. The opponent then becomes surrounded in light blue and Hypno can control it or Hypno swings its pendulum and creates multiple lots of three purple rings of aura, which are then fired at the opponent.Dusclops's eye glows red and it can control the opponent. Its body then becomes surrounded in light blue, and Zen Mode Darmanitan can control it with its mind, or Zen Mode Darmanitan's eyes glow light blue and the opponent's body becomes surrounded in light blue.
The opponent also glows blue and Spoink can control it.Shuppet's eyes glow blue and the opponent becomes outlined in blue. The opponent then becomes surrounded in light red and Ninetales can control it.Psyduck's eyes glow blue and it send out an invisible blast of power that hits the opponent.Espeon's eyes glow red and the opponent becomes surrounded in a red aura that hurts them, or the gem on Espeon's forehead glows multicolored, its body becomes outlined in light green, and a multicolored shadow reaches around it. When the waves of energy hit the opponent, it hurts it. Drifloon can then control the opponent.Drifblim's eyes glow light blue and the opponent becomes surrounded in light blue. Für fünf Runden lang wird der Untergrund in ein Psychofeld verwandelt. Once the shockwaves hit the opponent, Alakazam can control it. The opponent becomes outlined in light blue and Malamar can control it with its mind.Slurpuff's eyes glow light blue. Venonat can then control the opponent.Dusknoir's eye glows light blue and the opponent becomes outlined in light blue. (Die Tabelle berücksichtigt unterschiedliche Reihenfolgen der Typen nicht.
Es sind 94 verschiedene Pokémon bekannt, welche dem Psycho-Typ angehören. When it hits the opponent, Dusknoir can control it.Drifloon's eyes glow light blue and the opponent becomes surrounded by light blue. Pokémon-Lexikon; Alle Psycho-Attacken auf einen Blick; Alle Psycho-Attacken auf einen Blick.
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