quel age a li shang

While healing her wound, the doctor discovers that Mulan is not a man.

The general’s advisor drags her out of the tent, and ignores her explanation, telling Shang to kill her.

This is an Open Canon Character available on OUAN. It is mentioned that he was first in his class in regards to military affairs and was knowledgeable in training tactics. But the Huns appear out of nowhere and kidnap the emperor, planning to behead him. His speaking voice is provided by BD Wong in both titles, and his singing vocals are performed by Donny Osmond. Mulan suddenly arrives in the city, claiming that the Huns are alive. The son of an army general, Shang aspires to succeed his father as the leader of "China's greatest troops". As Shang is being honored by After Shan Yu is killed, Shang is seen running outside of the palace, where Mulan falls on him. Shang refuses to believe her, as she had lied about her identity, but her claims are soon found to be true. In the Chinese versions, he was voiced by Jackie Chan.

Though the law states that a woman who is discovered in the army is to be killed, Shang spares her due to a debt he owes her for saving him. Unbeknownst to him, Ping was actually Mulan, pretending to be a male so she could take her father’s place to fight in the war. Mulan was forced to go to the town Matchmaker to find her a husband, which ends in humiliating failure. However, When it turns out that Shan-Yu is alive and heading for the Imperial City, Mulan tries to warn him, but he refuses to listen until he sees the truth for himself. Mulan suddenly arrives in the city and tries to warn Shang that the Huns are alive (due to having seen them pop out of the snow). General Li Shang is a Chinese army captain and the tritagonist of Disney's 1998 animated feature film, Mulan, and the deuteragonist of its sequel.He is voiced by B.D. Please check out the Mulan Canon Tale to learn more about their story line. Shang almost dies by falling off a cliff, but is saved by Mulan. Li Shang is generally revered as the founding ancestor of the Li (郦) surname. The emperor thanks Mulan and gives her his sacred medal. Shang, in an attempt to prove him wrong, punished a random soldier, Ping. He then rescues Li Shang is the highly capable captain of the Chinese army. At the Imperial City, Shang and his troops are to be honored for defeating the Huns. However, Mulan finds out that the Huns are actually alive. As Mulan prepares to go home, Shang attempts to tell her how her feels, but ends up stuttering out a reference to her fighting talents. However, while Ping is receiving treatment, it is discovered that "he" is a woman named Mulan. As Mulan prepares to go home, Shang attempts to tell her how he feels but ends up stuttering out a reference to her fighting talents. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He has tan skin and almond black eyes. He has a strict, no-nonsense demeanor, followed by being very adamant and dedicated to his cause. Little is known about the earliest days in Shang Tsung's life, but at some point he was an Earthrealm human who was caught cheating in the Mortal Kombat tournament and sentenced to death. However, he has tendencies to be too "by-the-book" and to put his duty above his feelings, in contrast to Also, despite his skill at military affairs, he seems to be somewhat lacking in social skills, as he has trouble telling Mulan about his feelings for her. This is relevant in Shang's case as, through his song, "Also, despite his skill at military affairs, he seems to be somewhat lacking in social skills, as he has trouble telling Mulan about his romantic feelings for her, or even properly congratulating her following her success in saving China, coyly using the grammatically incorrect "You fight good." Shang refuses to believe her as she had lied about her identity and continues his way to the palace. Li Shang made his first appearance in Disney's 1998 animated feature Mulan. He wears different clothes during the film series but in the first film he usually wears the chinese black armor with a long, red cloak and black shoes with white socks.

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