tremblement de terre japon 1923
Elsewhere in Europe, activists in Cyprus have staged a protest against Turkey's plans to build a nuclear plant in the town of Akkuyu, which sits close to a fault line in the earth's crust.
Tonnes of water have been used to douse overheating fuel rods at the Fukushima No.1 power station, which suffered critical damage in the massive earthquake and tsunami that ravaged northeastern Japan eight days ago. Firefighters also began pumping tons of water directly from the ocean into the cooling pool for used fuel rods at the plant's Unit 3, which is at risk of burning up and sending a huge release of radioactive material into the environment.
It's very difficult," she said.
The spinach radiation level is about one-fifth of one CT scan, he said. Teams fighting to cool the overheating reactors laid a power line into a stricken nuclear power plant.
The threat of radiation seeping from the ageing plant carried a particular resonance for Ayako Ito, who at 84 is old enough to recall the World War II US atom bomb attacks on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On l'appelle le manche de l'éventail, qui reste seul immobile tandis que tout le reste s'agite.Dès notre arrivée à Tokyô, accueillis par ces frissons de la terre, ces grondements sous nos pieds, ces conflagrations incessantes, nous avions compris de quel Cyclope à demi endormi sous les feuillages et les fleurs nous étions les hôtes. Another 11,370 people are listed as missing with many feared dead. Son sol n'a aucune solidité. In addition, the massive power of the tsunami likely sucked many people out to sea.
L e 1 er septembre 1923, un tremblement de terre suivi d'un raz-de-marée et d'un incendie détruisit presque totalement l'agglomération de Tokyo-Yokohama. As with the milk and spinach (see 08:00), Japanese authorities stress the levels detected are far below the legal limit and cause no immediate threat to humans.
If the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami is any guide, most of those bodies will not be found.
The quake shook buildings in Tokyo, but no damage was immediately reported, public broadcaster NHK said, adding that flights at the capital's Narita Airport were temporarily suspended for safety checks. 6 working, the nuclear safety agency said. 1 plant on Saturday and to the other two on Sunday, more than a week after a devastating earthquake and tsunami, the nuclear safety agency said. Some of the missing may have been out of the region at the time of the disaster. Le 1er septembre 1923, à Tokyo, survint un terrible tremblement de terre, suivi d'un incendie et d'un raz de marée, qui détruisit presque totalement l'agglomération de Tokyo-Yokohama.
We really don't know what is going to become of our city," said Junko Konno, 35. At the plant, a fire truck with a high-pressure cannon parked outside Unit 3, about 300 meters (yards) from the Pacific coast, and began shooting an arc of water nonstop into the pool for seven straight hours, said Kenji Kawasaki, a spokesman for the nuclear safety agency. Just under 7,200 were confirmed killed, lost to the tsunami or buried in the wreckage of buildings. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) said it was crucial to get electricity and supplies to the evacuation shelters before the colder weather returned. Nearly a mile of cable is being laid before engineers try to crank up the coolers at reactor No.2, followed by numbers 1, 3 and 4 this weekend, company officials said. Electricity is expected to be reconnected to four reactor units at the Fukushima No.
They used the power to restart cooling pumps on No.
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