tsunami indonésie 2006
The epicenter was beneath the seabed of the Indian Ocean 110 miles south of Pangandaran. Un séisme sous-marin de magnitude 7,7 provoque un tsunami sur la côte sud de l'île de Java, faisant 654 morts. The shock had a moment magnitude of 7.7 and a maximum perceived intensity of IV in Jakarta, the capital and largest city of Indonesia.
Giritharan, S. Bardhan, S.R.
The eastern shores of Sri Lanka were hardest hit since they face the epicentre of the earthquake. 24, No.
Le 26 décembre 2004, un séisme de 9,3 avait provoqué un tsunami dévastateur qui a fait au moins 168.000 morts en Indonésie et des dizaines de milliers d'autres autour de l'océan Indien. The resulting waves have little in common with wind-driven surf, which has a very short distance from the crest of one wave to that of the next. An estimated 1,600 km (1,000 mi) of As well as the sideways movement between the plates, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake resulted in a rise of the seafloor by several metres, displacing an estimated 30 kmOther aftershocks of up to magnitude 6.6 continued to shake the region daily for three or four months.The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake came just three days after a magnitude 8.1 earthquake in the sub-antarctic The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake is thought to have triggered activity in both The earthquake generated a seismic oscillation of the Earth's surface of up to 200–300 mm (8–12 in), equivalent to the effect of the Because of its enormous energy release and shallow rupture depth, the earthquake generated remarkable seismic ground motions around the globe, particularly due to huge The shift of mass and the massive release of energy slightly altered the Earth's rotation. J'ai cru à un feu mais en allant vers la porte, j'ai vu l'eau arriver.»Sur des images vidéo dramatiques publiées sur les réseaux sociaux, on peut voir une vague géante s'abattre sur un concert en plein air donné par le groupe pop Seventeen.Deux membres du groupe, le gérant et un membre de l'équipe, ont trouvé la mort.
The southwestern shores are a hotspot for tourists and fishing.Thailand experienced the largest tsunami run-up height outside of Sumatra, at The province of Phang Nga was the most affected area in Thailand. La catastrophe fait plus de 19 000 morts et disparus, et provoque à la centrale de Fukushima une des pires catastrophes nucléaires de l'histoire.Un tsunami consécutif à un séisme de magnitude 7,5 fait au moins 2200 morts et des milliers de disparus à Palu, dans l'île des Célèbes. It was the largest earthquake-generated tsunami …
In this case, the thrust must have been sufficient to jolt the sea, he said. Of the three, the third was the most devastating. Coasts that have a landmass between them and the tsunami's location of origin are usually safe; however, tsunami waves can sometimes Because of the distances involved, the tsunami took anywhere from fifteen minutes to seven hours to reach the coastlines.Some of the tsunami's energy escaped into the Pacific Ocean, where it produced small but measurable tsunamis along the western coasts of North and South America, typically around 200 to 400 mm (7.9 to 15.7 in).Despite a delay of up to several hours between the earthquake and the impact of the tsunami, nearly all of the victims were taken by surprise.
« Effects of the december 2004 tsunami and disaster management in southern Thailand ». The Leurs funérailles ont eu lieu lundi lors de cérémonies distinctes. Le tsunami a laissé derrière lui un paysage de désolation : arbres déracinés, toits arrachés, morceaux de bois et détritus divers. – 25 octobre 2010: INDONÉSIE – Plus de 400 personnes trouvent la mort dans un tsunami provoqué par un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,7 sur l’archipel des Mentawaï, au large de Sumatra. Besides these factors, the number of lives lost was influenced by exposure to previous disasters and local disaster management capability.
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