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The LFP also imposed four suspension matches including a suspended match against Amiens striker Juan Otero, who was guilty of deliberately kicking Montpellier's Vitorino Hilton. virage sud girondins de bordeaux A match closes after a third warning in a period including 10 matches of official competition (Ligue 1, Coupe de la Ligue, Coupe de France) or by revocation of the suspension. The fans had recovered their banners which they had then deployed in their turn at the resumption of the match, finally winning 6-0 by the Bordelais. Coloris bleu 4 Tracks.
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L1: closure of the Virage Sud de Bordeaux . 0 Article - Articles - 0,00 € (vide) An incident that led to the interruption of the match for about thirty minutes. Bienvenue sur Virage Sud, la boutique des supporters et de tous les amoureux de l'Olympique de Marseille ! Collectif de rap du Sud Est Verso noir
Listen to DJ VIRAGE SUD | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. Bordeaux.
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Bordelais Virage Sud. The sanction takes effect from Tuesday, December 10, 2019 to 0:00. 2.826 de aprecieri.
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Notre devise, Liberté-Egalité-Fraternité n'est plus... Liberté-Egalité-Football aurait dû la remplacer depuis longtemps.
Paris (AFP) The Disciplinary Committee of the League (LFP) decided on Wednesday the provisional closure of the Virage Sud of the Girondins de Bordeaux stadium, after the match against Nîmes interrupted by the intrusion on the edge of the Bordeaux fans' field Tuesday at the 16th Ligue 1 day.
00 33 (0)4 91 77 15 28 We speak english and spanish! The Disciplinary Committee of the League (LFP) decided on Wednesday the provisional closure of the Virage Sud of the Girondins de Bordeaux stadium, after the match against Nîmes interrupted by the intrusion on the edge of the Bordeaux fans' field Tuesday at the 16th Ligue 1 day.
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