Hotel Batelière3,6(584)À 2,5 km133 $US

Stay at this beach resort in Schoelcher.

Prices and availability subject to change. This website and our general terms and conditions will provide you with information on the protection that applies in the case of each travel service offered before you make your booking. Self-parking is free at this property; nearby parking is also free. Don't be fooled by the website photos. Popular attractions Pointe du Bout Beach and Anse Mitan are located nearby.

Please see our general terms and conditions for more information about financial protection, or for more information on the ATOL Certificate go to: Expedia, Inc. is not responsible for content on external Web sites. This email has already been used to sign up with CONNECTED_THIRD_PARTY_NAMES. As long you're not expecting anything super posh, it's a great deal: Good location, good food, friendly staff, clean rooms. Please check you have entered your email address correctly before continuing.

English Featuring views of the garden, the 4-storey Hotel La Bateliere is located steps away from Pavillon Bougenot. GBP

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The room was ok, but dated.

Housekeeping is provided on a daily basis. I regrettably didn't realize this until the last day of our stay.

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All prices exclude taxes and fees and are based on a 1-night stay for 2 adults. Sign In with Naver Late check-in is available during limited hours.

£ Email address Our guests praise the breakfast and the pool in our reviews. The room was shabby and the tiles in the toilet were very dirty and stained.

Try signing in with CONNECTED_THIRD_PARTY_NAMES or use another email address. Beach was super crowded with people from the street, who’re loud and messy to say the least. Please enter a valid email address

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The use of the Transit Room after check-out allowed us to enjoy the beach a bit longer since our Boat was due to depart at 19:00hrs. Enjoy free WiFi, free parking and an outdoor pool. Beds feature premium bedding. GBP The little lagoon below is nice and we enjoyed swimming there. Accommodation host was responsive to enquiries and explained the options for transfer from port to hotel (bus was very easy and dropped us right outside) The room was clean, organised and spacious, with really useful touches like detergent next to kitchen sink and a cloth etc. Popular attractions Pointe du Bout Beach and Anse Mitan are located nearby. Enjoy free WiFi, free parking and an outdoor pool. There was one decent umbrella in the few that were available. We had dinner at the hotel twice and the food was excellent. Discover genuine guest reviews for Hotel La Bateliere along with the latest prices and availability – book now.

Important: This destination may have COVID-19 travel restrictions in place, including specific restrictions for lodging.

If you do not receive an ATOL Certificate then the booking will not be ATOL protected. English For example, the nice pool side umbrellas are either torn or missing. Enjoy free WiFi, free parking, and an outdoor pool.

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Take the opportunity to explore the area for water adventures such as sailing and other activities like golfing. Sign Up with Google Sign Up with Naver

This hotel has none to very poor cheap maintenance, the rooms have big unfinished Sheetrock boards covering probably big holes or who knows what, but I would never ever will stay there again.The only thing I Iiked is the view of the sea and the beach area which is close. I would recommend Hotel La Bateliere to all my friends who wish to visit Martinique for business or pleasure. Situated in Schoelcher, this beach resort is 2.1 mi (3.4 km) from Palais de Justice and 2.6 mi (4.2 km) from Fort Saint Louis.

Air conditioning worked well and the balcony with the side view was actually amazing. Hotel La Bataliere is a very good hotel for the price.

They forgot to provide wifi password. More travel

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