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1 Bed.

$95 $128

$284 2020 - Louez auprès de l'habitant à Paris, France à partir de $27 CAD par nuit. $204 $121 $91 $167 $122 $163

$87 Save money on your trip by finding the biggest discounts for top-rated Airbnb rentals in Paris. $110 The fully equipped kitchen, which comes complete with all the expected home amenities, shares space with the living room (the sofa here can be converted into an extra bed) with widescreen TV.This charming Airbnb is located up a winding wrought-iron staircase, on the fifth floor of a 17th-century listed building.

$100 Enter your travel dates to find the best deals! $77 The living room boasts a gorgeous winding staircase and original Medieval walls, and the main room’s stone arches cultivate an acoustic soundscape that is well suited to musical soirées – parties are permitted until 2am.

$130 The Best Airbnb Deals in Paris, France. $121

Lodgis connaît bien la difficulté pour un étudiant de trouver un hébergement parisien adéquat : en effet, le budget est un critère de premier choix, et c'est tout à fait compréhensible.

$107 $91 $89

. The private, flower-filled terrace, which has lovely views across Paris’s rooftops, has a table and seating for enjoying a croissant and coffee This quirky flat was once a sewing atelier and is now decorated throughout with Located between Montorgueil and Sentier, this jazzy apartment borrows its name from Marilyn Monroe. Guests can whip up a tasty treat in the bright-red retro kitchenette to keep the costs down, but the highlight is the private patio with its lush greenery and stone basin.The Little Nest of the 4th is housed in a listed building that was constructed in the 16th century by Raoul de La Faye, secretary to the King of France, François I. $136 Save money on your trip by finding the biggest discounts for top-rated Airbnb rentals in Paris. $321 $100 $80 $130 There’s just one bedroom here, so it’s best suited to solo travellers or couples.Stepping into this spacious apartment, housed inside an 18th-century building, one is struck by the sleekness of its design. $81 Price Range. $133 Sheela. $124 $135 $454 $403

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