deputy director french

directeur adjoint French; Discuss this deputy director English translation with the community: Citation Use the citation below to add this definition to your bibliography: Style:MLA Chicago APA All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time.These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Why not have a go at them together! Translation of "deputy general director" in French. In the British coal mining industry, the word referred to as a deputy overman , which was roughly akin to a foreman in other industries. Paris Area, France. A director general or director-general (plural: directors general, directors-general, director generals or director-generals) or general director is a senior executive officer, often the chief executive officer, within a governmental, statutory, NGO, third sector or not-for-profit institution.The term is commonly used in many countries worldwide, but with various meanings.
Deputy is used in combination with the names of various executive officers, to denote an assistant empowered to act in their name; as, deputy collector, deputy marshal, deputy sheriff. Nomination du deputy director-general 376. deputy director general 213. directeur général adjoint. This page provides all possible translations of the word deputy director in the French language. Aug 2013 – Aug 2015 2 years 1 month. Deputy Director, Matthew Travis; Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Pete T. Gaynor. is not responsible for their content. 3 years 1 month. NATO Allied Command Transformation. Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Robert E. Perez; Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Christopher C. Krebs.

LCI TV “There is no such thing as Islamophobia.I hate the Muslim religion. Executive Assistant to SACT NATO Allied Command Transformation. Yves Threard, the Deputy editor of France’s oldest newspaper, La Figaro, was invited on the French television show, Le Grand Soir, to debate whether people should have the right to wear a Islamic sharia coverings in public. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Translation for 'deputy director' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. Norfolk, Virginia Area. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee.Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.contribute directly to the departmental business and human planning nouvelles compétences et maîtriser les nouveaux processus afin de pouvoir contribuer directement au processus ministériel de planification des activités et des ressources humaines.Indeed, at a meeting on 7 March between US Treasurythe DPRK be allowed to open a USD bank account with a US bank-something we also would support.a proposé que la RPDC soit autorisée à ouvrir un compte bancaire en dollars dans une banque américaine, ce que nous approuverions aussi.The Second Meeting of the Parties to AEWA began on 25 September 2002La deuxième session de la Réunion des Parties à l'AEWA a commencé le 25 septembre 2002 avec Holmquist Director General of DG FISH and Mr Defraigne (former head nommé M. Holmquist Directeur Général de la DG FISH et interview given to the BBC: "the world changed on summer's day in 1858 in a field in Pennsylvania (USA) where the world's first specially constructed deep well struck oil.changea un jour d'été de 1858 dans un champs de Pennsylvanie (USA) où le premier forage profond de pétrole fut creusé ».Agency, said that children are effective agents for change and stressed that linking DRR humanitarian work and development was key to spreading the DRR message.suédoise pour le développement, a déclaré que les enfants représentaient des facteurs de changement efficaces et a souligné que la mise en relation entre les travaux humanitaires de RRC et le développement était essentielle à la diffusion du message de RRC.Peoples of Latin America, and a member of the National Human Rights Commission in Mexico.The Agency shall be under the supervision of the Commission, which shall issueL'Agence est placée sous le contrôle de la Commission, qui lui donne seswill seek guidance from the Director General on what action to take.ou demandera conseil au Directeur général sur le type de mesure à prendre.the Group with any additional information that he obtained after checking with the Finance Department of the Ministry of National Security, which is the competent authority to place orders on behalf of the National Police, and with the forwarding agent of the Ministry of Defence, who is also responsible for completing the formalities for taking delivery of any shipment addressed to the National Groupe tout complément d'informations qu'il aura obtenu après vérification auprès de la direction des affaires financières du Ministère de la sécurité qui est l'autorité habilitée à passer les commandes pour le compte de la Police nationale, et du transitaire du Ministère de la défense également chargé des formalités de retrait de tout envoi destiné à la Police nationale.departmental business planning process so that they can lead and participate actively in it.le processus de planification des activités au Ministère pour pouvoir le diriger et y participer activement.appointed and the recruitment of senior management including the Director General (an expatriate) is under les recrutements des responsables dont celui du Directeur général (un expatrié) sont en cours.Prior to that, Lord Birt was a consultant for McKinsey's Global Media PracticeAuparavant, Lord Birt a été consultant pour Mc Kinsey's Global Media Practice de 2000 àparticular the definition of priority areas of mutual interest.Elle permettra de mener des consultations avec les deux entitéset en particulier la définition de domaines prioritaires d'intérêt mutuel.and appointed by the Commission according to its selection and recruitment procedures.par la Commission conformément à ses procédures de sélection et de recrutement.that should be seized in order to strengthen cooperation with non-governmental partners likely to contribute innovative solutions to end the crisis.saisir afin de renforcer la collaboration avec les partenaires non gouvernementaux qui peuvent apporter des solutions innovantes pour sortir de la crise.well as the Director General, and in his absence or with hisque le directeur général, et en son absence ou à saand Corsica Water Agency - France, « Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in the Rhone - Mediterranean and Corsica BasinRhône-Méditerranée et Corse - France, « L'application de la Directive - Cadre européenne sur l'Eau dans le bassin Rhône - Méditerranée et Corseovercapacity in certain areas, due to local governments' blind pursuit of GDP and companies' lack of awareness of market demand.Commerce, qui a reconnu qu'il y avait une sérieuse surcapacité dans certains domaines à cause de la course « aveugle » au PIB de la part des gouvernements locaux et de la méconnaissance de la demande du marché de la part des entreprises.Even though it was agreed that Poles would hold 17 of theseappreciation, on behalf of the delegation, saying that all members were quite pleased with the meeting and had found it worthwhile and very informative.appréciation, au nom de la délégation chinoise, et il a indiqué que tous les membres de la délégation étaient très satisfaits de la réunion et trouvaient qu'elle avait été des plus instructive et valable.Spanish International Development Cooperation Agency (AECID)Orientale, Agence Espagnole de Coopération Internationale au Développement (AECID)de la Police du Ministère de la Sécurité Publique, a déclaréThe establishment by management of a culture change team,La constitution d'une équipe chargée du changement derigorous and formal, risk-based process for determining the frequency and nature of monitoring visits and for selecting recipients for compliance audits; and ensure evidence of all monitoring activities and that they are adequately documented.le risque plus rigoureux et plus formel pour déterminer la fréquence et la nature des visites de surveillance et pour sélectionner les bénéficiaires qui feront l'objet de vérifications de conformité, et veiller à ce que toutes les activités de surveillance soient appuyées par des documents suffisants.

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