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From 09/05/19 to 07/07/19, holders of a commercial card, who wish to acquire a Carte Avantage, will have the option of requesting a refund of their commercial card prorated to the number of full months remaining. To be eligible for a refund, the remaining validity period of the card must be at least 6 months on 09/05/2019. On INTERCITES trains that do not require a reservation the discount is 50% calculated on the normal fare of the class travelled in. Discount of 25%, excluding additional payable services on the semi-flex daily rates of the TGV Lyria, TGV France – Italy, on the daily Leisure Rates of the TGV France-Luxembourg, TGV Paris – Fribourg en Brisgau and the TGV/ICE France – Germany, offer valid for up to 4 travel companions.Exchange/Refund: A 5€ fee instead of a 40% retention, with a minimum amount of 5€ and a maximum of 15€ on TGV and 12€ on INTERCITES, per trip and per person on the eve or the day of departure, before the departure is the official European distribution channel of the French railways (SNCF) for online sales of high-speed and conventional rail travel throughout France and Europe: plan your journeys, book your train tickets and get inspired by our travel guides! Weather in December » Offer valid for a selection of destinations in France and in Europe, on certain days and for certain trains (TGV INOUI and INTERCITÉS) subject to availability. To be eligible for a refund, the remaining validity period of the card must be at least 6 months on 09/05/2019. (1) (2) Prices valid as of 09/05/2019, excluding promotions.Offer reserved for CARTE AVANTAGE cardholders.

Nice, France - Average monthly weather - Detailed climate information with charts. Travellers who have not exchanged their tickets will be considered as having no valid ticket and will be charged on board according to the amounts indicated in the Passenger Fares Agreement. La bande FM à Nice : 87,7 : Rire & Chansons; 88,1 : Virgin Radio (anciennement Europe 2) 88,5 : France Info; 89,3 : Radio Chalom Nitsan; 89,8 : France Culture; 90,3 : MFM; 90,9 : Kiss FM; 91,3 : Cannes Radio (anciennement Radio Azur) 91,9 et 92,2 : France Musique; 92,4 : Contact FM programme Radio Star Monaco; 92,5 : Radio Maria Italia; 92,8 : RTL2 Dans le tableau ci … On the trains TGV France - Luxembourg, TGV Paris - Fribourg en Brisgau, TGV France-Italie et DB-SNCF in cooperation the discount is 45 % in 1st class ou 60% in 250% for children: offer reserved for, at most, 3 accompanying children between 4 and 11 years old inclusive if their ticket is purchased at the same as the Carte Liberté ticket.

Tickets non exchangeable and non refundable. Any refund request must include the application form available to download on the website as well as the original coupon. Discount calculated, excluding additional service fees, on the SECONDE and PREMIERE day fare for TGV France - Luxembourg, TGV Paris - Fribourg en Brisgau and DB-SNCF in Cooperation, on the SECONDA or PRIMA (Second Class or First Class) day fare for TGV France-Italie, on the STANDARD or STANDARD 1ère fare for TGV Lyria. Tickets non exchangeable and non refundable.From 09/05/19 to 07/07/19, holders of a commercial card, who wish to acquire a Carte Avantage, will have the option of requesting a refund of their commercial card prorated to the number of full months remaining.
On TER trains, the card provides a 50% discount provided that it is accepted by the regional transport authority within its jurisdiction. Offer valid for one travel companion for CARTE AVANTAGE WEEK-END or FAMILLE cardholders.Offer reserved for Carte Avantage cardholders, including up to three children 4 to 11 years old and one travel companion over 12 years old for Carte Avantage Week-end or Famille cardholders. Starting from 30 minutes before the departure time, the number of exchanges is limited to 2 and the exchanges are restricted to another train on the same day and for a trip that includes the original route. On the TER and INTERCITES, not requiring reservation, the card offers a 25% discount on all trips commenced in the travelling high season or a 50% discount on all trips commenced in the travelling low season. The publicly run Radio France consortium controls around 40 radio stations, 31 of which fall under the France Bleu group.. FIP; France Bleu (31 regional stations); France Culture; France Info; France Inter; France Musique; Le Mouv' Public radio independent of Radio France.

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