opération lune dark side of the moon
Check out the lineup of new movies and shows streaming on Netflix this month, including Season 5 of "Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Directed by William Karel. This hard-hitting mockumentary exposes how Stanley Kubrick faked the 1969 moon landing, with seeming-endorsements from many key players in NASA and the US government. The script just hypothesizes that the US might have wanted a contingency plan in case the first steps could not be filmed.Since it was impossible to know at what point of the film the spectators would start having doubts, parodic bloopers were added in the end credits to make the hoax obvious, in case someone would believe it until the end.The photo showing a portrait of Kubrick on the lunar soil is the only image in which a In addition to the increasingly incredible claims made as the film progresses, several factual errors of note are introduced by the narrator: Most of the fictitious witnesses are named after characters from movies directed by Stanley Kubrick or The film crew member who takes shelter in a yeshiva in Brooklyn is said to be an "acidic" Jew. Opération Lune = Dark side of the Moon. Get this from a library! 9 of 30 people found this review helpful. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. This is not a set of anti-American lies passed off as a documentary; it's a straightforward mockumentary. Opération Lune : The Dark Side of the Moon (Docu) [VF] Le 20 juillet 1969, Apollo XI alune sur la mer de la Tranquillité. I have to write something because I can't let the existing review be the only one. [William Karel;] -- "Un documentaire d'intrigue, subtil mélange de faits réels, de fiction et d'hypothèses autour d'un événement qui marqua le XXème siècle : la course à la Lune.
You were supposed to know that.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. This hard-hitting mockumentary exposes how Stanley Kubrick faked the 1969 moon landing, with seeming-endorsements from many key players in NASA and the US government. La course à la lune est terminée et la défaite des Soviétiques, sans appel. On the seventh day, Stanley Kubrick sent everything back for modifications.” So begins the voiceover narration for Opération Lune (English title: Dark Side of the Moon), William Karel’s 2002 French documentary exposé on how director Stanley Kubrick helped NASA … Moreover, Arte (co-producer and original broadcaster of the film) accompanied the airing in France by a web site featuring a quizArte aired the film for the first time on 16 October 2002, and a second time on 1 April 2004, followed by a debate and accompanied by a web siteWhen the film was shown to a group of sociology students studying conspiracy theories, many mistakenly believed that this was a sincere and serious film.William Karel indicated that he found inspiration in Other influences are the staging of well-known historical events for the camera, such as the raising of the flags at Iwo-Jima and at the Reichstag, the American landing in Somalia which was remade a couple of times for the cameras, examplifying the influence of cinema on news coverage.Picture of Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, used for the DVD cover Use the HTML below. Dark Side of the Moon is a French mockumentary by director William Karel.
With Buzz Aldrin, Loïs Aldrin, Jan Harlan, Farouk Elbaz.
Both the producer and director noted that Walters was in perfect shape.The names of the fictitious witnesses and of the actors impersonating them appear in the end credits. This hard-hitting mockumentary exposes how Stanley Kubrick faked the 1969 moon landing, with seeming-endorsements from many key players in NASA and the US government. In the original French version the giveaway is more obvious: it is said that "he didn't work any more, he checked in with the The soundtrack also includes the song "The American Dream" from The giveaway also appears in the closing credits with "He was great as our James Bond, getting us in and out secretly, even giving us code names," said General Walters' last known public appearance was on a French Television documentary in which he talked about the White House's involvment [sic] with the Apollo program in the late 1960s.
It originally aired on the Franco-German television network Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. In particular, at no point is it said that Armstrong did not walk on the Moon. Was this review helpful to you?
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