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But something seems strange.Oh no! It features Ash Ketchum and his friends, Iris and Cilan, and their adventures through Unova from Nimbasa City, Ash's Gym Battle with Clay and his journey through east Unova.Pokémon: Black & White is the fourteenth season of the Pokémon anime, and the first season of the Best Wishes series. It features 47 episodes of Ash Ketchum and his friends May, Max and Brock's adventure through Kanto from Saffron City to Pallet Town.Pokémon: Advanced Battle is the eighth season of the Pokémon anime, and the third season of the Advanced Generation series. It features 82 episodes of Ash Ketchum and his friends, Misty and Brock's adventure through Kanto.

It features 65 episodes of Ash Ketchum and his friends Misty and Brock's adventure through Johto from Cianwood City to Mt. Kiawe must complete his quest in time or Ash's life is in danger.Ash and friends are helping Hapu on the farm when strange mist suddenly starts to form around them. So they come up with a plan of their own to cover up the lie.Everyone is training hard for the Alola Pokémon League and Sophocles has trouble mastering his Z-Move.
But here comes a bigger problem!While training for the Alola Pokémon League, a Celebi sends Ash and his Pokémon to the past, where they meet a young boy for some unforgettable fun.Ash and Torracat return from the past and reunite with other Pokémon, only to find them all covered in dirt! With a spot in the semifinals at stake, Guzma fights dirty.Kiawe's sister Mimo arrives on the island to cheer him on, but she runs into Team Skull before she reaches the stadium. Can they save the play?The Pokémon School becomes a haunted house! But Team Rocket are already on-site with a plan.On the eve of a solar eclipse, the adults are strangely exhausted. But Team Skull wants them too!Sophocles learns his family may be moving away. To keep his secret safe, Kukui asks for Molayne’s help.Ash has completed three of his four Grand Trials, but there's still plenty for him and the Ultra Guardians to do with their friends in Alola!Ash and his friends perform in the Pokémon School’s play, which takes an unexpected turn as an intruder overtakes the stage. Then Ash and Torracat square off against Guzma and Scizor.With his winning streak at stake, Guzma is tormented by fear.

Pokémon: XYZ. It's all part of becoming the best Pokémon trainer! Someone has to find it before a stranger lays a hand on the adorable-looking Pokémon!Ash and Rowlet are challenged to a battle by a friend they meet in the forest. An Ultra Beast has stolen Hala's Z-Crystal! Pokémon film 2 : Le Pouvoir est en toi. It features Ash Ketchum and his friends Iris and Cilan's adventure through Unova from Nuvema Town to Nimbasa City.Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors is the thirteenth season of the Pokémon anime, and the fourth and final season of the Diamond & Pearl series. Professor Kukui gives Ash a Rotom Pokédex that can speak and interact with humans, and Ash heads out to catch Pokémon.Ash and Pikachu's failure to capture a wild Alolan Pokémon results in a visit to the Pokémon Center.
Tracey Gets Bugged. According to Kiawe, touching a Sandygast’s shovel means trouble.Ash and his friends go to a concert starring DJ Leo and his Alolan Dugtrio.

But for the first time in a while, he chooses to stay in the fight until the very end.Professor Oak and Delia arrive the night before the final match. He assume it's from a fairy tale, but it may be an Ultra Beast!Resort executive Bourgain offers to buy Kiawe's family farm, and he won't take no for an answer. The Pokémon Company International is not responsible for the content of any linked website that is not operated by The Pokémon Company International. Brock suggests a trip to Akala Island, hoping to see his crush, Olivia, and win her heart. When it meets Lana, it develops a crush on her!Mallow's big brother Ulu and his Lickitung return from their journey just in time for the Alola Bread Festival, and they decide to enter it together!Giovanni tells Team Rocket to head to Ula'ula Island to see the Island King about a Z-ring. But it looks like they have company.Love is in the air! Working together, they turn back the darkness!Ash, Kiawe and Mimo visit Pikachu Valley and meet Pika-expert Pikala. Will Eevee get there safely and find a new home?Ash and Pikachu challenge Tapu Koko to a battle and suddenly end up elsewhere. Ash takes Snowy to his house while Pikachu goes home with Lillie.The Akala Island Kahuna Olivia, comes to the Pokémon School. The season follows Ash and his classmates as he continues his journey, attending the Pokémon School in the Alola region.Pokémon: Sun & Moon is the twentieth season of the Pokémon anime, and the first season of the Sun & Moon series. Together they explore the new region, meeting new Pokémon along the way. While Ash waits at the Pokémon Center for news on Pikachu's condition, Misty arrives, angry about the bike Ash wrecked-but she softens when she sees Pikachu wheeled out on a stretcher. It features 52 episodes of Ash Ketchum and his friends May, Max and Brock's adventure through Hoenn from Mauville City to Lilycove City.Pokémon: Advanced is the sixth season of the Pokémon anime, and the first season of the Advanced Generation series. S2 E43 23m. Ash and Goh travel around the world, specifically all regions that have appeared in the core series (from Kanto to Galar), and meet Pokémon from each region while pursuing their respective goals.Pokémon: Sun & Moon: Ultra Legends is the twenty-second season of Pokémon anime. It currently features Ash Ketchum and his friends, Iris and Cilan, and their adventures through Unova after thwarting Team Rocket's plot to use Meloetta for evil and features Ash's battles through the Unova League. Pokémon film 8 : Lucario et le Mystère de Mew.

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