cueva del indio, cuba

1 294 avis. Getting in and out of the cave is a little scary. Désolé, il n'y a aucun circuit ni aucune activité disponible à la réservation en ligne à la date que vous avez sélectionnée. Caribbean ; Cuba ; Pinar del Rio Province ; Vinales ; Things to do in Vinales ; Cueva del Indio; Search. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of Exelent Tour with visit to many places in the valley , you can come with us to discover the viñales valley. We will visit the tobacco dryer, where a farmer will explain everything related to this coveted product, from its planting, through the tobacco house where it is stored for a certain period to how it is prepared to smoke, and even one will be offered. The excursion will take place in Valle Palmarito, which is part of the beautiful panorama offered by the municipality of Viñales.

SomeWe were lucky and had a very short wait for the brief boat ride. The cave was found in 1920 by a peasant named Juan Díaz and since then it has received numerous visits. The excursion will take place in Valle Palmarito, which is part of the beautiful panorama offered by the municipality of Viñales. Grottes et cavernes. Please consult government travel advisories before booking. There are numerous gift bungalows on the way to the parking lot that are worthThis is no where near true caving or super exciting, BUT it is a very safe, very cool little excursion that almost anyone could do. Grottes et cavernes. I'd recommend walking around the… We will visit the tobacco dryer, where a farmer will explain everything related to this coveted product, from its planting, through the tobacco house where it is stored for a certain period to how it is prepared to smoke, and even one will be offered.

Then we will visit a coffee shop in the country where, from the hands of the natives, they will taste the honey and coffee they harvest accompanied by a special type of rum from the province of Pinar del Río, which you will only find here, explaining everything related to the process and Preparation of these three products.U.S. Then we will visit a coffee shop in the country where, from the hands of the natives, they will taste the honey and coffee they harvest accompanied by a special type of rum from the province of Pinar del Río, which you will only find here, explaining everything related to the process and Preparation of these three products.U.S. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of Exelent Tour with visit to many places in the valley , you can come with us to discover the viñales valley. The tour of the caves is interesting, our guide had great English and was very

After a short 200m walk, you're transferred to a motor boat to ply the final 400m along an underground river. El Nuevo Horizante (91) 1.1 mi $$ - $$$ Puerto Rican.

The Cueva del Indio is certainly a wondrous site to behold, but the experience can easily be marred by the masses of tourists that flock to see it. The excursion will take place in Valle Palmarito, which is part of the beautiful panorama offered by the municipality of Viñales. Paisajes Curet (65) 4.1 mi $$ - $$$ Caribbean. Inside the Valley we will observe different types of crops and we will know what is related to each of them.

Please choose a different date.Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected. 28 Other Attractions within 5 miles. Free to try a real cigar. At the end there is a small boat that takes you through part of the cave where the river runs to the outside where there are the ubiquitous shops for gifs and momentosOur visit started with the approach of a 'native indian' in a brief loincloth, who encouraged us to dance while he played the drums and then pose for photos.
There are numerous gift bungalows on the way to the parking lot that are worthThis is no where near true caving or super exciting, BUT it is a very safe, very cool little excursion that almost anyone could do. Der Weg durch die Höhle ist betoniert und elektrisch beleuchtet. Cueva del Indio, Vinales: Address, Cueva del Indio Reviews: 3.5/5. At the end there is a small boat that takes you through part of the cave where the river runs to the outside where there are the ubiquitous shops for gifs and momentosOur visit started with the approach of a 'native indian' in a brief loincloth, who encouraged us to dance while he played the drums and then pose for photos. Please choose a different date.Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected. BUT we had to wait for almost an hour inside the cave for our turn to take the boat. The excursion will take place in Valle Palmarito, which is part of the beautiful panorama offered by the municipality of Viñales. Cueva del Indio, Vinales: See 1,294 reviews, articles, and 1,400 photos of Cueva del Indio, ranked No.4 on Tripadvisor among 10 attractions in Vinales. Die Cueva del Indio (spanisch Indianerhöhle) ist eine Karsthöhle nördlich des Ortes Viñales in der kubanischen Provinz Pinar del Río und ein wichtiges Touristenziel im Valle de Viñales.Durch das Anstauen eines Baches kann ein Teil der Höhle mit Motorbooten befahren werden. It was real tourist tat, but great fun!

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