youtube ps4 bug

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. After reading the complaint, many PS4 users stated that they to are facing the same problem. Sometimes I think it’s a feature most of the users take for granted and a bit underappreciated. Until then, users are advised to double-check if the Restricted Mode is enabled or disabled. Petit résumé écrie pour les plus pressez qui voudraient régler le problème de la Ps4 au plus vite : il vous suffit simplement d'éteindre votre Ps4, d'attendre 1 à 2 min puis de la débrancher, de la retournée et d’enlever le petit patin anti-dérape qui se situe sous les boutons éjecte, puis de la rebrancher et de jouer comme si rien setter passé. Nonetheless, while the PS5 is a console to look forward to, PS4 users now have new bug to deal with.Several PS4 users are reporting that they are unable to watch restricted content on YouTube. Hence, it should be fixed pretty soon once they figure out the source of the issue. Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/PS4.Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.The largest PlayStation 4 community on the internet. This is most likely an issue on YouTube’s end. Below is a screenshot of the first known user complaint for the issue on Google’s support page for YouTube. Depuis quelques jours en effet, il est tout simplement impossible de se connecter à son compte, depuis la PS4. A quanto riporta “RektUniverse”, che spiega tutto in dettaglio in un lungo video in inglese visualizzabile Come tutti i videogiochi che vedono in attività tantissimi giocatori in simultanea e che vengono aggiornati quasi ogni settimana, anche The YouTube bug on PS4 seems to be preventing users from watching age-restricted videos even after disabling the Restricted Mode. Your hub for everything related to PS4 including games, news, reviews, discussion … LibreOffice, WordPress, Prestashop, Linux, sono solo alcuni dei più famosi e utilizzati software open source in circolazione. You can simply cast YouTube to your PS4 from a linked device on the same Wi-Fi network, like a phone or tablet.

You can simply cast YouTube to your PS4 from a linked device on the same Wi-Fi network, like a phone or tablet. The YouTube bug on PS4 seems to be preventing users from watching age-restricted videos even after disabling the Restricted Mode. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. La Passion du Commentary ! For more info, Please read our Si vous tentez d’accéder à YouTube, vous aurez un message « erreur NP-37602-8 » ! According to some users, the app displays “user discretion is advised”. Le bug n’a rien de bien méchant, mais est particulièrement embêtant si vous avez l’habitude de regarder des vidéos YouTube depuis votre PS4. Il principio della condivisione libera, According to some users, the app displays “user discretion is advised”. The age-restricted videos are working as usual when the user tries to view it on their phone.At present, this YouTube bug on PS4 has not been addressed by YouTube.

Si vous tentez d’accéder à YouTube, vous aurez un message « erreur NP-37602-8 » ! It’s been broken, but it ... Streamers have captured these problems and shared them on YouTube. Your hub for everything related to PS4 including games, news, reviews, discussion, questions, videos, and screenshots.Press J to jump to the feed. All you have to do is open the YouTube app, click the cast icon then select your PS4.

Therefore, it might take a while for a fix to arrive. Depuis quelques jours en effet, il est tout simplement impossible de se connecter à son compte, depuis la PS4. The age-restricted videos are working as usual when the user tries to view it on their phone.At present, this YouTube bug on PS4 has not been addressed by YouTube. Until then, users are advised to double-check if the Restricted Mode is enabled or disabled. r/PS4: The largest PlayStation 4 community on the internet. Añade los bugs que encuentres y deja tus comentarios para mejorar el juego para PS4 Kingdom Hearts PS4 collection comes with some big bugs (update) New, 24 comments. This message remains even after turning off the Restricted Mode feature which is present in the YouTube application. Below is a screenshot of the first known user complaint for the issue on Google’s support page for YouTube.After reading the complaint, many PS4 users stated that they to are facing the same problem.

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